How to Book a Hotel (UK)
Written by James Forbes
Updated over a week ago

There are 5 easy steps to booking a hotel:

  1. Search criteria: Enter your destination, dates and (if applicable) traveller.
    Choose a destination relevant to where you want to stay - e.g. city name (for city centre), airport, postcode area, famous landmark.

  2. Select your preferred hotel: Use the map and the list view to help find the hotel and location you require.
    Remember to filter your results to help find the ideal property (price, distance from search point, amenities etc.) and adjust the sort order to bring the most suitable to the top.

  3. Review and select room & rate type: Check out the different rate types, keeping an eye out for bed configuration, special rates, payment options, cancellation policy and inclusions (e.g. breakfast).

  4. Checkout: On the checkout page, review the traveller information, dates, and chosen hotel details, and provide any necessary information if needed. Once you are satisfied with everything, click on 'Checkout' to book the hotel.

  5. Complete booking: On the pre-confirmation page, you can check over your details and, if required, add more products (another hotel or rental car). When done, click I'm Done Booking for Now to complete and receive your final confirmation.

Remember, if you need to make changes or cancel your hotel, reach out to your Expert Travel Consultant for assistance.

For more detailed information on booking hotels, refer to the Melon User Guide or this short video tutorial.

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