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Opt-In Updates
Nicole Preston avatar
Written by Nicole Preston
Updated over a week ago

Opt-ins show you, as a Sales Rep, if your buyers are interested in more information on ticketing packages and other revenue-generating opportunities. To help you track and follow up with this potential revenue, we changed the way we display your recent opt-ins. Now, each buyer who has opted into one of the survey questions will have a status of open or done. 

This will allow you to track which leads you have followed up with or made some action on. You can use this status however you’d like. We’ve kept it very simple because each organization handles their opt-ins differently. 

To see all of your opt-in buyers, select the "Opt-Ins" chart on the right of your main dashboard to open a full table. 

You may also see buyers’ opt in information on each offer dashboard. To see this go to an Offer Dashboard and select “Buyer Report.” We’ve had lots of partners report success by putting together programs for these buyers while they attend an offer. Pulling information from this table will simplify the process to find and follow up with your new leads!

Don’t worry, we’re still following up with every buyer that has opted into a survey question with our instant connection feature. 

If you use a CRM to manage your leads, we can send this information to your CRM. Chat with our support team to learn how! 

You can use the “Done” status for anything you would like. We suggest that each organization follow the same set of guidelines to make manager reporting consistent. 

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