Simply create Multi-Day events and tie them to inventory! Let's get started.
Create a Parent Multi-Day Event
Select the Events tab on the left navigation
Click Add Event
Choose the Multi-Day Event Type to continue
Enter your Event Title and Event Days
For each event day, a separate event will be created. Enter the Event Title for each day. Please note, all timing will default to the parent event created, however, you may change as needed.
Click Save
View all Offers within Event
Link a Multi-Day Event to an Offer
Create a New Offer
When selecting the offer date, if it falls on a previously created Event (shows with a yellow circle around the calendar date), it will populate under Event. Select the Event and continue with building your offer.
When adding your inventory, select which days within your Multi-Day event you'd like to tie your inventory to.
Create a Multi-Day Event Within an Offer
Create a New Offer
After selecting your offer date, add a Multi-Day Event
Follow the instructions above under Create a Parent Multi-Day Event to continue