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Learn how to create new add-ons

Nicole Preston avatar
Written by Nicole Preston
Updated over a week ago

Add-Ons are a fantastic way to offer different types of products as well as bringing in additional revenue. All Add-Ons will be available to attendees to purchase during checkout.

There are three ways you can create an Add-On in FEVO Enterprise:

  1. Manual Entry

  2. Open Inventory / Hold Code*

  3. Import**

*Available for Ticketmaster Archtics & integrations. Additional integrations will be supported at a future date.

**Available for integrated only. Additional integrations will not be supported.

Manual Entry

Select from three different types of add-ons to get started:

  1. Priced Add-On: This can be any type of custom add-on you'd like to offer your fans at checkout.

  2. Donation: If you are partnered with a non-profit organization or would like to support a charitable cause, you can create a Donation-specific add-on.

  3. Gift: Any type of gift add-on.

Then, add your Title and Description, and select an Icon to showcase to your fans at checkout.

Open Inventory / Hold Code

Pull add-ons from open inventory directly in FEVO Enterprise. Depending on your integration, you might need to provide the Event Name or Event ID.


Have the option to import your add-ons directly within FEVO Enterprise? Select Import and enter in your Order ID to get started.

Required Add-Ons

You have the ability to require an add on! Simply select the Required checkbox and your customers will have to select an add-on in order to complete their checkout.

Merchandise Add-Ons

Merchandise add-ons provide a flexible way to offer additional products alongside your main event tickets or offers. With merchandise add-ons, you can include images to visually enhance the add-on options, which is a unique feature compared to other add-on types. This helps customers make more informed decisions and enhances their shopping experience.

Key Features of Merchandise Add-Ons

  1. Visual Enhancements:

    1. Add Images: You can include images of the merchandise, providing a visual representation that helps customers understand what they are purchasing.

  2. User-Friendly Selection:

    1. Popup Modal on Desktop: When customers select a merchandise add-on, a popup modal will appear on desktop devices, allowing them to easily choose the quantities and add items to their cart.

    2. Bottom Sheet on Mobile: On mobile devices, a bottom sheet will appear for a seamless and convenient selection process.

Important Note:

Add-On Templates can also be built at the Event level, which will allow anyone building an offer for that date to easily add it to the buyer flow. To do so:

  1. Locate your Event from the Events hub

  2. Go to the Add Ons tab and click Create New Add-on Template

  3. Follow the instructions above to create the Add-on Template for that event.

  4. Keep in mind that Add-on Templates can only be made via manual entry or pulling from open inventory.

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