Editing offers in bulk provides a streamlined and efficient way to manage multiple Offers at once, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. By making consistent changes across various offers simultaneously, it improves productivity and ensures a more cohesive customer experience.
Here's how it works:
Head to your Offers Overview Page
Select the desired Offers you'd like to edit by selecting the box on the left of the Offer.
Select Bulk Edit above the Offers table
Navigate through the tabs to edit items within the Offers selected. Please note, items changed will update across all of the Offers that were selected.
Click Apply
Once Applied, you will receive a green confirmation message at the bottom right.
Here are some items you can bulk edit at one time:
Replace inventory
Reason for Offer
Offer Title
Contact Information
Offer information
Offer Media
Email fulfillment information
Organization Logo and Header
Offer Restrictions
Leaderboard view
Group Name
Seat view
Discounts & Promotion Codes
Offer Questions
and more
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