Enhance your email messages with a new, customizable button where you modify the URL, color of the button and the text to appear in the button. This is in the form of a Placeholder link.
It is available in the following settings pages: Document Templates Work Orders & Invoices, Customers, Late Payment Reminders, and in Email Campaigns. You will find the new Button link in the Placeholders List on the right side of the email template.
Key Points
Add this button to your email messages
Edit the url link to the url / web page you want the button to link to
Edit the color of the button
Edit the button text
To add this button to your email messages:
Click inside the email template where you want the link to be.
Click the place holder (right side list) {button url='' color='#66CD00'}BUTTON TEXT{/button}
To edit this link:
In the email body text box update the '' to the url / web page you want the button to link to:
For example, change to
β (Note keep the apostrophe on each end of the link)Edit the color of the button if you want it to match your company color. You can find color number in your Settings/Company Information in the Header Color box
Update the color='#66CD00'} with the number, for example color='#14694d'}
3. Edit the button text to something like Visit us online!
Update BUTTON TEXT{/button} to Visit us online!{/button}
Using the above examples the line will look like:
button url='' color='#14694d'}Visit us online!{/button}
Another example is to use this link to direct your customers straight to your Facebook page:
button url='' color='#14694d'}Like us on Facebook!{/button}
Watch this short video highlighting the above steps to edit the button in the Invoice template.
Tip Click the animation below to open a larger, more readable version in a new tab.
For more information about Placeholders, see How Placeholders work
Key word: Everything