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File Sharing: Uploads

Share files that you've uploaded with a download link

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a week ago

Permitted Data Connect users may upload files and send a download link to a specified email address. Allowed file extensions include: csv (comma-delimited text), xls (older Excel versions), xlsx (newer Excel versions), zip (compressed file) and txt (text file). Here's how to set it up:

  1. Go to the File Share option from the Tools menu.

  2. Click on the Upload a Document link to upload the document to be shared.

  3. Use Select a File to browse for the file to upload.  If desired, the file may be restricted to be viewed by users assigned to one or more selected Organizations in the list (see below). The selected Organizations cannot be modified after the Upload process has started; a new file upload is required for any changes. Select Upload to initiate processing.

  4. After the file is successfully uploaded, select the file name to immediately download the file. Click on the Share icon to set up an email containing the download link for selected recipients, or select the Trash Can icon to remove the file.

  5. The document link can be set to expire on the current day up to four days. Add the recipient’s email address and your name (as the sender) where prompted. Click Submit to send the email.

  6. An email will be sent to the recipient, with the logged-in user name listed as the sender’s name and the recipient's name as set up from the Send Document Link window.

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