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File Sharing: Exports

How to share your export files with a download link

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Written by FLS Help
Updated over a week ago

Permitted Data Connect users may create file exports and send a downloadable link in an email to share with selected recipients. Here's how to do it:

  1. After an export is created using Basic Counts or Advanced Counts, select My Exports from the My Data menu to view the Export Queue. All new export file names are appended with a numeric code value to prevent duplicate file names.

  2. From the My Exports page, select file name link to immediately download the file or select the Share icon to set up an email. 

  3. In the Send Document Link popup window (see below), select the link’s expiration period for up to four days, the recipient’s email address and the sender’s name as it will appear in the email text.

  4. The email header will apply the Data Connect user’s first and last name, and the sender’s name is included in the email text.

  5. All Data Connect file exports will be removed after fourteen days, per the retention policy described in the My Exports page.

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