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Creating a custom collection

A visual guide to creating a new collection in your media kit.

Publisher Support avatar
Written by Publisher Support
Updated over 5 years ago

(Hint: If you need a refresher on the media kit terms, check out our media kit glossary!)

If you want to sell a product with its own schedule & reach that's not already in the Flytedesk-curated media kit, you will need to create a custom collection.

For example, if you sell different editions of your newspaper (eg. homecoming edition, Valentine's day edition) you will have to create a custom collection with its own print date & circulation.

To create a new collection go to your media kit > Medium > Property > and click on "Create New Collection."

From here you can insert specific details about the collection. Give your collection a name, type, and reach. You can also add a description and print dimensions if applicable.

Finally, after creating your collection, give it a schedule & fill your collection with products.

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