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Flytedesk National Invoices

This article explains the flytedesk national invoicing process.

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Written by Publisher Support
Updated over 2 months ago

In order to assist you in matching your flytedesk payments to your national campaigns, we have launched flytedesk national invoices. The national invoices correspond to the amount that you will see on your check or direct bank transfer.

In order to view your flytedesk national invoices, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Billing tab and select Invoices.

  2. Use the filters on the left hand side to search by Date Range, Due Date, Customer or Invoice Status of Buyer in order to find the invoice that you're looking for.

3. Scroll to the right and hit "View Invoice" to view the invoice that was generated for the month.

The flytedesk national invoices are generated on a monthly basis and are paid on a net 60 day term.

What if the invoice I'm looking for is not available?

  • The invoice may not have been generated yet.

  • If you have received notification that your invoice is available but cannot locate it in your dashboard, contact your account manager and provide the invoice number you need to locate.

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