At Freebee, we strive to provide the best transportation experience for our customers. Our vehicles are designed to accommodate groups of various sizes, making it easy for you to travel with your friends and family. However, you may have noticed that some of our vehicles have a maximum capacity of 4 passengers, while others can hold up to 5 passengers. In this article, we'll explain why this is the case and how you can request a ride for larger groups.
Vehicle Capacity
Most of our Freebee vehicles have space for up to 5 people. However, you may also encounter a select few of our vehicles that only allow space for up to 4 people. This is completely dependent on the service area in which you are requesting your ride. Some areas may have smaller vehicles available, while others may have larger ones. Rides requests will always be limited by the number of passengers that could enter the vehicle - if service is operating with vehicles that only fit 4 passengers, your ride request will only allow you to request for up to 4 people.
Requesting a Ride for More Than The Passenger Limit
If you'd like to request a ride for more than 4-5 passengers, don't worry! We have a solution for you. You'll just need to create two separate ride requests, for two separate vehicles, and from two separate accounts. This will allow you to request each ride under the limit of passengers. For example, if you have a group of 8 people, you can request a ride for 4 people on one account and another ride for 4 people on a different account.