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What do I need to send to PSI to apply for the Massachusetts real estate test?
What do I need to send to PSI to apply for the Massachusetts real estate test?

Learn how to apply to take the exam in this article.

Updated over 7 months ago

Good question! You can read about everything you need to send to PSI, along with the test center policies, in the PSI Candidate Bulletin which you can find on your course dashboard after completion

All of this information is also covered in the Massachusetts Real Estate Test class, if you have not yet taken that class.

NOTE: We recommend all students to submit their applications by email for the fastest possible approval.

The following is a quick overview of what you'll need to send to PSI when you apply to take the exam:

  • Application for examination - The application forms can be found in the PSI Candidate Bulletin linked above. Please make sure your application is legible, complete, and signed. If any part of your application is not complete, it will be mailed back to you and will cause delays.

  • Your stamped Education Certificate from Freedom Trail Realty School, Inc. - You will receive this from the school after completing your classes. Verify that the name on the form, matches the name on your identification, such as a driver’s license or passport.

  • Three (3) reference signatures - Your references must complete and sign the form on page 27 of the PSI Candidate bulletin. They cannot be related to you by blood or marriage and you cannot use classmates who you do not know outside of the classroom. Your references do not need to be Massachusetts residents. All of your references must sign the same copy of the reference form and must complete it in ink.

  • Your completed and notarized Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) form - This form is found in the PSI Candidate Bulletin linked above. Do not sign the CORI form until you are in the presence of a notary public. You can find a notary public at the post office or at a bank. You can also notarize it digitally with since now you can send all your paperwork to PSI via email. When filling out the form, the Board of Registration is the "Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons", and the license is the "Salesperson License" for the salesperson application and 'Broker License' for the broker application.

  • Payment for the application - All candidates must include their payment information to pay for the application fee in page 23. No cash or personal checks are accepted.

  • A current photo - You must attach the photo to the application in the space where it says “attach photo.” Do not use blurry, far away photos or photos with other people. You can use a passport photo as a reference for photo style and size.

For broker applicants only (not salesperson):

  • Work experience form (broker applicants only) - Applicants for the broker examination must have completed three (3) years of affiliation as an active Massachusetts salesperson under an active Massachusetts broker. The broker must endorse the Employing Broker Certification form located on page 28. The Employing Broker Certification form must be completed in its entirety by only the employing broker. Only the original completed form will be accepted. Copies are not permitted.

  • $5,000 Surety bond (broker applicants only) - Obtain a $5,000 surety bond on the original enclosed form (a copy is not acceptable) completed and signed by

    the insurance agent, signed by the principal (candidate/examinee), and witnessed. The real estate broker bond form can be found on page 31.

Applications submitted via mail take longer to be processed. We strongly suggest all students to submit their applications by email. You can scan and email your completed paperwork, along with the Education Certificate, to

Don't have a scanner? Genius Scan is a great app that you can use to scan all of your completed and signed application paperwork.

Be sure to read through the bulletin linked above, since it includes all of the exam center policies. You are responsible for reading those policies, along with the entire Candidate Information Bulletin, and for following them. Failure to read the bulletin and PSI's rules and policies may result in your forfeiting your exam fee, which no one wants.

Good luck on test day! 🎉

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