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How can Fyxer AI use my calendar to help schedule events?
How can Fyxer AI use my calendar to help schedule events?
Archie Hollingsworth avatar
Written by Archie Hollingsworth
Updated yesterday

Fyxer AI can detect when you are trying to schedule an event such as a call, meeting, coffee, etc. and help propose times it thinks you and your team will like.

How can Fyxer AI Help?

  • When someone emails you asking to schedule a call or event, Fyxer AI will consult your calendar for availability and select some times based on your calendar habits

  • Fyxer AI then looks at the email scheduling an event, and works out:

    • when the person is asking to meet

    • the timezones involved

    • the people to invite

    • the duration of the event

  • The AI will then create a draft, replying to the message. It will include:

    • your wider availability

    • some slots you might prefer based on your past meetings

    • the timezones of you and your team

    • the availability of any people on the thread who you have shared calendars with

    • Beta: Fyxer can create a scheduling link to include in drafts, allowing people to book time directly with you

  • You'll also (depending on your settings) receive a private email from our Fyxer AI address showing you the times we proposed and any events you also have that day - just to give you an idea of what you're up to around those times, without you having to open your calendar!

I can see something about 'Beta Calendar Link', what is that?

  • Fyxer AI is rolling out a new feature where we can create a one-time link customers can send in their emails to schedule an event.

  • The link will be added automatically to calendar drafts where:

    • the previous message was trying to schedule an event

    • there is only 1 other person on the thread

    • you have the link turned on in your Fyxer AI settings

  • If you send the link to someone, they can pick a time from the presented options (we do not show your entire calendar availability) and provide their details so we can create an event and set up a meeting link.

FAQs about calendar links

  • The links are one-time use, once someone books a time, we make the event and close the link

  • We only show the person clicking the link a set of times we think you'd like and are free in your calendar. We do not expose your entire calendar.

  • You cannot yet create a link proactively, they will only be made in response to an email requesting to meet.

  • You cannot adjust the event details in the link, we would love to add this but it is a work-in-progress.

  • If you have a different scheduling link saved in your Fyxer AI settings (see the text box below the 'Fyxer Calendar Link' setting), we will default to that instead of Fyxer AI's.

  • If the link is formatted incorrectly in your draft:

    • Check if Hubspot is connected to your email address and using attribution links, as they will replace any links with their own, making Fyxer's links look broken.

Can Fyxer AI create events for me?

  • We do not currently add anything to your calendar(s) without your consent, unless you send a scheduling link to someone, in which case we will create the event at the time they choose.

  • Clicking the slots in the calendar emails will open a page where you can create the event, with the title, times and invitees pre-filled.

What calendars can I connect?

  • We work seamlessly with Google and Outlook calendars.

What if I have multiple calendars?

  • You can connect multiple calendars to your Fyxer account, both from Outlook and Google Cal. We will consult all your calendars when we select slots for a meeting to avoid picking a time you can't actually make.

  • When multiple calendars are connected, we will use the one with a matching email address to your Fyxer AI account to choose a 'primary calendar' which we will use for making new events, reading your timezone, etc.

    • (if no connected calendars match your Fyxer AI account, we just use the first one you added)

Why do the times in the 'Create Event' buttons not match the ones in the draft?

  • While this could be an error on our side, the most likely cause for this is a timezone difference between yourself and the person you are meeting with.

  • The draft we write will prioritise using the attendee's timezone, which can make times themselves look different to the ones we are putting in your calendar.

How did the AI know my colleague was free at a time?

  • Before drafting, our AI will check if you have access to any of the invitee's calendars through your Google/Outlook account,

  • We then use their availability to help pick times that work for everyone.

  • We do not modify any permissions with regards to what calendars you have access to, nor do we modify the permissions of other people to view your calendar.

    • Example: If you can see your colleague's availability but not the details of their events, we will use that availability to pick times they can attend, but will also not be able to see the details of their events.

  • You can tell FyxerAI about any future travel plans you have by making an all-day event with a name beginning with "tz:" and then the location you are travelling to.

    • Example: If you have a week-long event called "tz: New York", Fyxer AI will use ET to schedule your meetings for that week.o schedule your meetings for that week.

Here is an example video for how calendar slots work:

Not shown in the video: You'll also be given "slots"

These slots are highlighted so you don't need to check your calendar and given you context for when you can make the meeting

Want to turn these off? Just head over into "preference" in

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