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A simple guide to common questions about using FyxerAI
If I already have an email label system, how does Fyxer AI work with it? Can I set up custom email rules?
Why aren't my labels syncing properly? How can I fix miscategorised emails?
How can I disable or customise Fyxer labels?
How do I keep emails in my inbox after responding?
How do I stop Fyxer AI from overriding my custom filters?
Why do archived emails reappear in my inbox?
Can Fyxer AI help me clean up my email inbox or mass delete emails?
How does Fyxer categorise emails, and how can I retrain it if needed?
Why aren’t my emails being sorted or categorised correctly?
How do I keep meeting recordings private?
How do I stop Fyxer from automatically emailing external guests or joining meetings?
How do I remove Meeting Notetaker?
Is there a way to rename or change the image of Fyxer AI Notetaker to something else within our meetings?
How do I find my meeting recordings?
Can I manually add Meeting Notetaker into a live meeting?
What does Fyxer AI cost? What is the difference between Standard, Pro and Enterprise plans?
I’ve just renewed my subscription, but the categories aren't showing up in my Gmail inbox?
How do I switch from a monthly to an annual subscription plan?
Where can I find a copy of my invoice?
Do you offer start-up pricing?
Do you offer discounts for non-profits?
Do you support languages other than English? Can you switch between different languages?
How many inboxes can I set up?
Will my system go back to normal if I don’t like the product?
How do I review my referrals on my dashboard?
How do I uninstall Fyxer AI?
Does Fyxer AI work on Apple Mail?
Inviting team members to your team
I like the drafts but don't want emails in folders/categories
Do you integrate with Superhuman?
How does it differ between Microsoft and Gmail?