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Cancelling Your Booking

You'll want to use this guide for when you have to cancel your booking

Kelley Pembroke avatar
Written by Kelley Pembroke
Updated over a month ago

To get a booking cancelled you'll follow these steps

  • Go to the “My bookings” at the top right of your Gable Dashboard

  • Enter the date for the booking you'd like to cancel

  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the booking

If you are not seeing the option to cancel after you hit the three dots, it's due to it being outside of the permitted time frame to cancel the booking.

When you are creating a new booking, or at anytime you just want to take a look at the space cancellation policy. You can find it just under the review booking button. This will reflect the dates for your specific booking and cancellation time frame once you enter your desired date and times

If you need to make any other changes to your booking, or you would like our Customer Support team to double check if your booking can be cancelled. Please contact us at

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