Table of Contents:
Getting Started
Your office locations can be managed by going to "Company admin," then "Settings," and selecting "Locations." From there you will see the "Company HQ" tab.
Adding a New Office Location
To add a new office location, select "+ Add new HQ" and fill out all details.
Add general details including:
Photos of the building by selecting the "+" under "Company HQ" in the screenshot above
Your office name, which will be the name that your employees see when they access HQ to book desks/meeting rooms
The office address, which will populate from Google when you start typing it
Operating days, which you can click to select
Working hours which will populate the times that your employees have available to book
General amenities of the office that you can select from a dropdown menu
Check-in and parking instructions that will be included in the arrival guide that your employees receive after booking
Wifi details, also included in the arrival guide
An HQ contact email and phone number, also included in the arrival guide
And the number of floors with the ability to upload a floor plan for each floor. We recommend using a PDF for this upload.
You can also choose to "Add HQs without floor plans" if you prefer.
Building an office with floor plans
If you've chosen to include a floor plan, once you select the "Next" button, you will be taken to an image of the floor plan to add desks, private offices, and meeting rooms:
Select "Edit floor" and you will see three options appear at the bottom of the screen:
"Add common area desks"
"Add meeting rooms"
"Add private offices"
To add common area desks, select that option and click the desks on the floor plan:
You can then add pictures and a name for the desk(s), select "Available for all" or assign the desk(s) to a user or a department which will dictate who will be able to book that desk, and then select the amenities for that specific desk(s) from the dropdown menu:
You can repeat these steps to "Add meeting rooms" and "Add private offices."
Building an office without floor plans
To build an office without a floor plan, scroll to the bottom after selecting "+ Add new HQ" and choose "Add HQs without floor plans" as shown here:
Enter the address and number of meeting rooms your office has and select next:
When you select "Next," you will be taken to the "HQ details" page:
Here, you can add the general details of your office locations as described above. You will notice the addition of "Number of seats" which will be the number of common desks available to book.
Select the Meeting rooms from the tabs at the top to add photos, room names, number of seats, and amenities of each of the meeting rooms:
Adding Google Calendar to your Meeting Rooms:
You can then connect your Google calendar for each meeting room by selecting the "Connect" option next to the meeting room name:
Select "Done" and your HQ will be created without a floor plan!
Editing an existing office location in HQ
Select the pencil icon next to the office's name to edit an office location.
From here, you have two options for editing:
Select the pencil icon next to the office's name to edit the general details of the office location:
Select "Edit floor" to edit the configuration of desks, private offices, and meeting rooms:
To replace the PDF
To get this done you can click on the settings icon of the relevant HQ in the HQ selector at the top bar. This will take you to the HQ edit page, where you can edit the HQ title, working hours, upload floorplan.
Or, you can click on the “add floor” option on the floor selector. this will open the edit floors modal to allow you to delete a floor plan.
Please note that all the tags need to be deleted from a floor for the trashcan to appear in the edit floors popup. To get this done, you can "Select all" tags from the side bar - then Edit the selected tags, and then click on the "Delete" button on the bottom. The "Select all" needs to be done for each space type (Common space / Meeting room / Private office)
Deleting Office Locations
To remove an office location, select the trashcan icon that appears when you select the down arrow next to the office listing you would like to remove:
Overriding Seat Restrictions
If someone has the role of an "Admin" or a "Booker" they can override the seat assignments, and book seats that are assigned for themselves or on behalf of someone else.
If all seats are unavailable, due to assignments, Admins and Bookers can also book one of these desks.
Simple select the seat that you wish to book, even if it is categorized as "assigned" and select book.
There will be a notification that alerts you that you are booking over an assigned seat.
This override functionality is available within web, mobile app and slack.
Web Preview
Mobile app preview
Slack Preview
Limit Days to Book In Advance
Admins can restrict advanced bookings at HQs, so employees don't overbook desks in advance.
Note: this limit can be over-riden by Bookers and Admins.
Navigate to the relevant HQ under "Company Admin", "Settings", "Location" and Company HQ.
When building a new Company HQ, you can select "Time Control" and choose the number of weeks.