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Resolving Shopify PO Errors and Inventory Sync Issues
Resolving Shopify PO Errors and Inventory Sync Issues

Learn how to resolve issues when your units don’t update in Shopify after receiving a Purchase Order (PO).

Aladdin avatar
Written by Aladdin
Updated over a month ago

In this article, you'll learn how to troubleshoot and resolve common issues when your units aren't being pushed to Shopify after receiving a Purchase Order (PO).

Verify Product Location and Details

The most common issue occurs when your products aren't located in the shipping location you've set for the PO. To check and resolve this:

  • Ensure that the location selected during PO creation is where all the products are stored.

  • If the products are missing from that location, update their locations in Shopify or adjust them in Genie.

To confirm a product's location:

  • Select the product or variant name to view its details page

  • The "Locations" section displays where Genie recognizes the product is stored.

  • You can update product locations directly in Shopify if needed.


Review and Verify Your Received Items

If all product locations match but the issue persists, check the received items:

  • On the PO details page, verify the quantities ordered, received, and accepted.

  • If any values show zero, ensure the correct amounts were accepted during the receiving process.


  • Review the received items list and verify which units have been received and which haven't.


Manage and Update Shipments

If the inventory is still not updating in Shopify:

  • Navigate to "Shipping" and click "Manage".

  • Add a second shipment and reallot any missing products or units.

  • Click "Save".


  • Ensure the correct location is selected for the second shipment, then click "Apply" and mark it as received.


Review and Accept Delivery

To finalize the process:

  • Click "Received" and verify that all delivered units are correctly recorded.

  • Use the "Receive All" or "Accept All" options if necessary.

  • Click "Receive" and select the correct update method.

  • If a different location was selected earlier, this may have caused the issue. Adjust as needed before clicking "Accept".


Verify Shopify and Refresh Settings

If issues persist:

  • Check whether Shopify reflects the updated inventory.

  • If Shopify shows updated units but Genie does not, wait 10-20 minutes for the sync to complete.

  • If discrepancies remain after an hour, manually trigger a sync:

    • Go to "Preferences" > "Settings" and click "Refresh".

    • The sync process may take 5-10 minutes depending on your inventory size.

  • If the issue persists, reach out to our support team for further assistance.


Thank you for reading this Help Center article! Our goal is to help you become an inventory pro. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to our team, book a meeting, or explore more of our Help Center for more guides on navigating and configuring Genie.

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