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Purchase Orders
Learn the ins and outs of creating purchase orders in Genie and how that affects your products.
Creating Your First Purchase Order (PO) in GenieGuide on how to create a purchase order in the Genie platform.
Feature Overview: Smart Suggested ReorderLearn how to use the new suggested reorder feature that Genie offers to more accurately and effectively order new stock.
How to Update Unit Quantities in ShopifyThis will be. walkthrough of how you can update the stock levels within Shopify when receiving an order using Genie.
Purchase Order StatusDiscussing the purchase order status on Genie
What is a stock gap?This article helps you understand the importance of stock gap, and how you can use it to your advantage.
Creating a New Purchase Order (PO) From the Inventory TableThis tutorial outlines the process of creating a purchase order in Genie based on a list of products that are running low.
How to Manage & Received Shipments in GenieOur new feature lets you break your purchase order shipments into parts and update them when you receive them.
Automatically Update Unit Costs on Purchase Orders (PO)Lean how to save time by making your unit costs automatically fill in your POs.
How to Update the Estimated Arrival Date on a Purchase OrderEdit or update Estimated arrival date on a purchase order
Summary of Search Features on Purchase Order Page
How to Locate a Product in a Purchase Order (PO)
Syncing with Shopify Purchase Orders (PO)Learn why Genie does not leverage integrations with Shopify Purchase Orders.
How to Update the Purchase Order (PO) Status: A Simple Guide
Importing Purchase Orders into Genie Best Practices