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Building a Dead Stock Analysis View in Genie
Building a Dead Stock Analysis View in Genie

Learn how much capital is tied up in dead stock and create a view that shows the breakdown of products that aren't selling.

Isaiah Sirois avatar
Written by Isaiah Sirois
Updated over a week ago

Any business owner will tell you that it is important to know where your capital is going and where it is tied up. This is what makes analyzing dead stock an important aspect of analyzing your inventory.

In this guide, we will walk through the process of creating a dead stock analysis view in Genie that will not only break down the products and variants that aren't selling but will also highlight the amount of capital that is tied up in them.

Building the view

For this view, we are only concerned with products that have had no sales over the last 30,60, or 90 days (the range will depend on how you classify your products). The first step is setting filters to only view products that fit that criteria.

Step 1: Add the filter Status -> is No Sales. This will narrow down your catalog to only show products with no sales.

It is important to note here that this status is dependent on what you set for your Average Daily Sales insight setting. So, you set avg. daily sales to include 30 days of sales data, anything that hasn't had any sales in 30 days will have the status of No sales. This same logic applies to 7, 60, and 90 days.

Step 2: Adjust columns to show the data points you need. In this case, we will select:

  • On hand

  • Cost value

  • Retail Value

  • Sales revenue

  • and Supplier/vendor (optional)

You can organize them however you'd like, but these metrics will help us get a full picture of how much is tied up in these products and how much stock we still have left.

Step 3: Now we want to save the view to reference later

Step 4: In the top right corner select Save view, then enter the name of the view you are saving. We will call this one Dead Stock

Now, if you want to do further analysis on these products you can also export the list into a CSV. To do this you will have to first select the products you want to export. Then in the top right corner, you will see a downfacing arrow. This icon will let you choose what you want to download.

  • Selected means you will only download the products you have selected

  • Current Page means if you have a large catalog only the products displayed on the current page you are on will be exported.

  • All Variants means that it will export all product variants that meet the filter criteria.

Once you make your selection a CSV file will download with all of the product variants you chose.

Note: You will only see the data you have chosen to show in the view. This means if you want more data you will have to add more columns to your view before exporting.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to our team or check out other guides in our help center. And if you want more information on building analytical views in Genie check out our guides on the inventory table and creating new views.

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