Glossary of Genie Terms & ideas
Inventory Table
Saved View
Configurations made to the inventory table that is saved and stored for future use in analyzing product performance.
Saved View Templates
See which of my product variants are currently overstocked.
Out of stock
See which of my product variants are currently out of stock.
Running Low
See which of my product variants are currently running low
See which of my product variants currently have no sales over the past 30 days.
New products
See the new product variants you’ve created through Genie, and which have been created in Shopify in the last 30 days.
Products without Suppliers
See which of my product variants do not have suppliers linked to them in Genie
Archived, but with stock
See which of my product variants currently are mislabeled as archived, or I’m no longer selling, but still have stock of.
Stock on hand by product (variant)
See a full view of my stock on hand by product.
Re-order date in the next week
See which of my product variants are to run out in the next 7 days.
Re-order date in the next month
See which of my product variants are to run out in the next 30 days.
Re-order date in the next 60 days
See which of my product variants are to run out in the next 60 days.
Products without Shopify Unit Costs
See which of my product variants do not have unit costs defined in Shopify.
Inventory Status Insights
Running Low
A threshold set to ensure you are re-ordering at the right time to avoid stockouts and stock gaps.
Out of Stock
When you have no units left of a specific product or variants in stock to sell to customers.
A threshold set to help avoid overordering and tying up too much capital in products/variants.
Stock Gap
A gap in in-stock units caused by a stockout that happens before a new shipment of units is set to arrive.
Ex. A brand has 20 units left of socks and will be stocking out in 4 days, however, there is an order coming in 6 days. The 2 days between the stockout date and the arrival date of the order is the stock gap.
Products Detail Page
The product detail page is a page where you can gain insight into a specific product. This is a slightly different view from the inventory table and can be accessed by selecting a product name to open a side-peak view of the detail page. It shows you:
The variants under the product
Average sales
Total cost value
Total retail value
Total on-hand amounts
Product level Settings
Product-level settings refer to the settings within the product detail page. These settings override global settings to allow you to configure lead times, stock buffers, and running low and overstocked thresholds on an individual product basis.
Inventory Value Insights
Cost value in no sales
The invested capital is tied up in products that aren’t selling/haven’t sold over a specific period.
Cost value in overstocked
The invested capital tied up in overstocked products.
Total cost value
The cumulative capital invested in your inventory as a whole.
Total retail value
The cumulative price that your products can be sold at on the market
Manual data sync
By default, Genie will sync your data every day at 12 AM EST. However, you can manually sync your data at any point in between. This means you can ensure that your sales are accounted for, or that any changes made to products are reflected in Genie. It would be the equivalent of reloading a webpage.
Global Insight Settings
These are settings you can apply/change when onboarding or within your settings tab. They do exactly what they say. Global insight settings are applicable to every product in Genie and dictate the kind of status, average daily sales, and stockout dates you see. These settings include
Avg. Daily Sales
Overstocked + Running low threshold
Stock buffer
Lead times
Average daily sales
Average daily sales refers to the average of all your sales over a specific period.
Ex. if a product sells 5 units per day over a 30 day period the average would be 5. However, if it sells 5 each day for the first 15 days, and 10 each day for the remaining 15 days, the new average daily sales would be 7.5.
Product Grading
Grading is a type of insight that Genie generates based on what you choose within your insight settings. This allows you to get a sense of performance at a glance.
Ex. if you choose to grade based on “Sales Revenue” over a 30 day period you can adjust the weight values so that products that contribute to 80% of your sales with be grade A, 15% would be grade B, and the remaining 5% would be grade C.
Stock level
Stock level refers to the unit quantities you have on hand at any time.
Lead time
Lead time refers to the time it takes from when you submit a purchase order to a supplier to when you receive the order at your warehouse/storage.
Stock buffer
Stock buffer, AKA safety stock, is the minimum amount of stock you would like to keep on hand to prevent stocking out before you’re able to order new stock. When setting this value you want to consider how much the product is selling and how long your lead time is for that specific supplier.
Excluded Products
These are products you don’t want to include in your analysis, as well as insights generated by Genie. This would apply to gift cards, package protection, discontinued products, etc. While these products are removed from view and insights, they aren’t actually removed from your instance. This means that if you choose to reinclude them you won’t miss out on any of the data they have accumulated. It’s almost like they never left.
Bundle Mapping
Bundle mappings are Genie’s way of ensuring your sales are properly attributed to your products. Ex. if you sell a sleep set bundle with socks, sweats, and a t-shirt Genie will ensure that when a set sells the stock levels for each component product are properly attributed back to the correct socks, sweats, and t-shirt.
Locations are used in Genie to sync your unit quantities for your products/variants. You cannot create or delete locations in Genie, this is something that can only be updated in Shopify. However, you can sync and un-sync locations which allows you to specify the units you’d like Genie to track.
These are the individuals/entities that you procure your products from.
Variant supplier relationship
You can associate products with any of your suppliers. These relationships open additional options for setting lead times, SKUs, unit costs, and more. Variant supplier relationships make creating POs more efficient and will allow you to override global insight settings.
What Features does Genie have?
Insights Dashboard
Inventory Table
Purchase Orders
New Products
What Data Points are available within Genie?
There are over 25+ unique data points within Genie that help you understand how your inventory, sales, or operations details.
Daily sales
On hand
In transit
Days to order
Cost value
Retail Value
Sales revenue
Sales at Risk
Shopify unit cost
Shopify status
Shopify tags
Created date
What Filters are available within Genie?
20+ filters in Genie come from Shopify or Genie.
What do Filters do in Genie?
Within Genie, you can use filters to segment and analyze data on the inventory table. There are 20+ different filters to choose from that will allow you to segment your inventory data the way you need to.
Filters from Data within Genie.
Stockout date
Daily sales
Days to order
On hand
In transit
Cost value
Retail value
Filters from Data within Shopify.
Shopify status
Shopify tags
Shopify unit cost
Created date
What template Reports are in Genie?
Report timeframes and scope are based on what you have set within your insight settings for “Average Saily Sales” and product level settings (running low, overstocked, etc).
Stockout Risk Report
This report provides a snapshot of your inventory highlighting the products that are about to stock out.
Sales Velocity Report
This report provides a snapshot of your inventory highlighting what products are selling better than usual over a period of time.
Out-Of-Stock Alert
This report provides a snapshot of your inventory highlighting what products that have gone out of stock in this period.
Dead Stock Alert
This report provides a snapshot of your inventory highlighting what products haven’t had any sales in this period.
Stock Asset Value Report (All Products)
Provides a snapshot of your inventory with all of their cost values included to get an idea of the value of all products (active, draft, archived, and deleted).
Stock Asset Value Report (Active Products)
Provides a snapshot of your inventory with all of their costs included to give you an idea of the value of all active products
What is a Purchase Order?
Purchase orders (PO) are legally binding documents that a buyer sends to a seller to authorize a purchase of items.
Purchase Order Statuses
PO statuses are states in which you can set the order to in Genie that affect the insights you see throughout the app.
This status means the order is not ready to go out and does not produce insights for associated products. PO is Closed.
Sent to Supplier
This status means the order is ready and has been shared with the supplier and will now show/update insights for the associated products within the inventory table, dashboard, and PO table. PO is Open.
In Production
Now the PO is being worked on. This stage is effectively the same as Sent to Supplier and will produce insights for associated products within the inventory table, dashboard, and PO table. PO is Open.
Fully Received
This status indicates that the order has been completed and all products have arrived. Setting this status will remove all insights generated by the PO. PO is Closed.
Partially Received
Setting this status means that you have only received part of your order and there is more to come. This will require you to update the shipments to show what products have arrived. The PO will continue to display insights into the remaining products. PO is Open.
Canceled indicates that the order is no longer needed. No insights are generated. PO is Closed.
Costs and Discounts
Additional costs
Currency conversion
Currency Information
Total Landed Cost & Production Cost
The cost for a product that includes all additional costs and discounts. Helps understand how much you spend procuring inventory.
Purchase Order Shipments
What does it mean when you receive a purchase order shipment
When you receive a PO shipment this means you now have the units in your warehouse/storage. In Genie, this means you will have the option of updating the units automatically or manually. Once units have been updated the status of the PO should also be changed to “Partically” or Fully” Received.
Thank you for reading this Help Center article! Our goal is to help you become an inventory pro. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out to our team, book a meeting, or explore more of our Help Center for more guides on navigating and configuring Genie.
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