A preview into the upcoming Genie features
In Development
Features that are currently being worked on and are right around the corner
Demand Planning: New FeaturePreview of Genie's Demand Planning Feature for helping brands build demand forecasts
Reporting Logic: Product UpdateWe will be updating the logic of our reporting feature to be more user-friendly and consistent.
Creating Suppliers During Onboarding: Product UpdatePreview of an update coming to the onboarding process aimed at streamlining the account setup process.
Vendor to Supplier Mapping: Product UpdateThis update is aimed at simplifying the supplier creation process so users can avoid having to recreate suppliers from scratch.
Bundle Mapping: Product UpdateThis update to bundle mapping, dubbed Bundles 2.0 will finally give users the ability to manage bundles themselves.
Displaying Purchase Order Status on Dashboard: Product UpdateWe're finally giving some important information a new home on the dashboard. This should help with keeping all your important info in one spot.
Upcoming Features
New features that are planned but have not been moved to development
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) TrackingWe are working on providing more transparency and tracking for products you are purchasing from your suppliers.
Filtering Variants in the Product & Supplier Profiles: Product UpdateNow you can filter your variants and find what you're looking for in the product and supplier profiles.
Product Ideas
Feedback and new ideas that have been requested by users
Product Level Views: New FeatureGet a better idea of how well a product is performing by looking at it from a product view rather than a variant view.
Location-based Views: Product UpdateGet a breakdown of your product information based on a location.
A backlog of new features that have been pushed live after being shared on the roadmap
Stockout Date Logic: Product UpdateStockout date calculations will now take into account incoming inventory and adjust accordingly.
”Buy Now” table for Purchase Orders: New FeatureThe new Buy Now table is aimed at stremlining the reordering process so users can make faster and smarter ordering decisions.