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January 22, 2025

Release notes

Written by Nancy Meighan
Updated over 2 months ago

EDGEauditor Resorts App v5.1.3 Release Notes

Due to the nature of this release, a new install of the app is not required for iOS or Android devices. If using the browser-based app ( this will update automatically. If it does not, please clear your browser's cache. The browser-based app is optimized to work with Chrome browser.

Your iOS or Android device should update to the latest version automatically. If it does not, please select the 'Check for Update' button on the login screen to force your device to update to the latest version.

This release includes the following updates to the app:

  1. CWSAA Incident Report: On the Locations & Conditions tab, questions "Days This Area", "Days All Areas" and "Previous Times Using This Run/Lift/Attraction" will now allow both text and numerical values.

  2. Ability to filter for staff type questions within grid report template type: Users can once again search for a staff member setup within EDGEauditor by first or last name (not case sensitive) within the grid report template. This applies to any reports that have a drop down type question for these staff member types - Patroller, Lift Operator, Ski Instructor, Lift Maintenance Staff or Park Staff.

  3. Emailed waivers include a header: The customer's first name, last name, name of waiver completed and the waiver completed date are included in the header of the PDF waiver copy that is emailed to the customer.

EDGEauditor Manager Dashboard Release Notes

Any updates to the Manager Dashboard ( will automatically take effect the next time you login.

This release includes the following updates to the manager dashboard:

  1. 'Print' button added to reports: To improve usability, we have added a 'Print' button to the view page of all reports, allowing you the ability to quickly generate a PDF or print a hard copy of the report.

  2. 'Review' button added to reports: To improve usability, we have added a 'Review' button to the view page of all reports with a status of "pre-approval" after a user has made edits and then saved their changes. This allows users to bypass going back to the Pending Submissions screen in order to review and approve the report.

  3. Missing map pins on manager dashboard: When reviewing objects (e.g., signs or buildings), incident reports and terrain park builds you will once again see the map pin indicating the specific location of the incident or feature.

  4. Dispatch tracking: When you view a closed dispatch event via Event History or export your dispatch data it will now display the username of the person who created the event. On the data export, this information will appear in the very last column of the export.

    • Please note, that this change only applies to NEW dispatch events created after this release; the 'created by' field will be blank for all prior submissions.

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