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Managing Investigation Packages
Matt Doiron avatar
Written by Matt Doiron
Updated over a year ago

Managing Investigation Packages

After an investigation package has been created, you may need to make changes to it, attach external documents, add notes or download a copy of all files included.

Investigation Packages - Main Page

The Investigation Packages main screen can be accessed by clicking on Incident Reports > Investigation Packages from the side navigation. You can use the search filters at the top to find a specific package or click on the Actions button in the table to view, edit or delete a package. By default, this page is sorted by the “Incident Date” column, with most recent dates appearing first.


  • It is not possible to sort by the Patient Name column. If searching for a specific patient, please use the Patient Name search box.

  • If you have more than 1 incident report attached to a package only the patient name from the first incident report added will appear in the Patient Name column. It is not possible to display more than 1 patient name.

Investigation Packages - View Page

The investigations package view page opens a read-only copy of the investigation package. The two main actions you can take from this screen are:

  1. Under the Action column click the View button to be taken directly to that report, waiver, terrain park build, etc., or click the Download button to download a specific external document that is attached to the package.

  2. Click the Download Package button to download all files belonging to that package. After clicking the button you will be redirected back to the main investigation packages screen with a confirmation message that your package is being built. The actual download won’t start until the build process is finished. The time it takes to build and download a package will depend on the size of all files included in the package as well as the speed of your internet connection. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW WHILE THE BUILD IS IN PROGRESS, OTHERWISE IT WILL CANCEL YOUR DOWNLOAD. You can continue to navigate the manager dashboard or another website by opening a new browser tab.

Investigation Packages - Edit Page

The investigations package edit page is where you can modify the details of your investigation package. The main actions you can take from this screen are:

  1. Change the package name, category or status.

  2. Add a new note or modify/delete an existing one.

  3. Remove a linked incident report, other report, dispatch event, terrain park build, waiver or staff training summary by clicking the Delete button under the Action column. This will only remove the item from the current package.

  4. Attach files saved on your computer either by clicking the Browse Files button or dragging and dropping them into the section provided (with this method you can attach multiple files at once).

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