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Incident Report: General Functionality Overview (NSAA)
Incident Report: General Functionality Overview (NSAA)

Overview of the NSAA Incident Report

Matt Doiron avatar
Written by Matt Doiron
Updated over a year ago

The incident report in EDGEauditor is a digitized version of the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) form that your resort was using previously. Some fields have been updated or modified from the paper-based version in order to stay current with industry standards.

Starting a New Incident Report:

The New Report module is where you will likely spend the bulk of your time in the EDGEauditor app. Most, if not all, of the forms and reports you see here should be familiar if you used the paper-based ones previously. This is because EDGEauditor has taken copies of all these reports and digitized them. To start, we’re going to review the Incident Report.

  1. Select New Report from the app home screen.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

  2. On the next screen, select Incident Report. This will be the very first report at the top of the list (if you have other reports listed on this screen).

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

Incident Report Main Screen

  • By default, a new Report ID will always be generated for you and will appear at the top of the report.

  • If your location has the Vitals add-on enabled, you will see a button in the top left-hand corner that looks like a “pulse”. Depending on the screen size of the device you’re using it may also have the word VITALS next to the icon. Selecting this button will open the Vitals screen where you can record various vitals for the patient. To record multiple vitals at different intervals, choose the ADD MORE button.

    • Each time you make a change to vitals recorded, ensure you select the green SAVE button at the bottom of the Vitals screen to save your changes.

  • As you scroll down passed Incident Time, Incident Date & Incident Location fields, you will see a heading labelled “Report Sections”. Choosing any of the headings will open that specific report section so you can fill in the required information. The section you have open will have a red underline beneath the section name.

    • To toggle back and forth between the sections use the arrows located to the right and left of the report headings to scroll through and access each section that is not visible.

    • As you scroll down in a section the report section headings remain visible so you can toggle between sections without having to scroll all the way up.

  • Selecting the green SAVE button at the bottom of the incident report home screen will display 3 options for saving. You won’t be able to save until you input the Incident Date, Incident Time, Patient First Name & Patient Last Name. Until these fields have been filled in the green SAVE button will be greyed out. After these fields have been completed you can choose to save the incident report as many times as you like.

    • Save Incomplete Report to this Device > Selecting this option saves the report to the specific device you are using, meaning to access the report again you would have to use the same computer, tablet or phone. To access this report again you would select Pending Local Reports from the app home screen.

      • Some resorts may not have Save Incomplete Report to this Device enabled so this option may be hidden.

    • Save Incomplete Report to Cloud > Selecting this option saves the incomplete report to the cloud, meaning you can complete the report on any device with the EDGEauditor app installed. To access this report again you would select Reports Saved In Progress To Cloud from the app home screen and then choose Incident Reports In Progress.

    • Save and Close Out Report to Cloud > Selecting this option indicates you have completed the report in its entirety and are ready to submit it for approval.

  • Regardless of the option you choose, you will receive a prompt confirming your selection.

  • Choosing “Cancel” from within the save menu will simply close the save menu.

  • Selecting the CANCEL button that sits beside the SAVE button will either not save any changes you’ve made since your last save, or erase any data you’ve entered if you’ve never saved the report prior. If you choose CANCEL by mistake, there will be a prompt asking you to confirm your selection.

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