When signing up for an account on Change with an email domain that does not match your organization website domain, you will need to further verify your account by clicking on "Add your bank account."
When verifying your account, you must provide the following:
Nonprofit information (ie - address)
Information on nonprofit representative
Account number (must be 5-17 digits without any hyphens)
Routing number (must be 9 digits without any hyphens)
Copy of your bank statement, voided check or letter from your bank institution confirming your banking information
Please note: Some account numbers may look like "0001234567890-002." In these cases, please make sure to include the main account number only without "-002."
Once these are all submitted, our team will review your verification request and approve your account if all information looks correct.
There are instances when your verification request can be rejected:
Account number is not shown or visible on the file you uploaded
The file you uploaded was not a bank statement, voided check or letter
Account number entered does not match the account number shown in your bank statement
Routing number entered does not match with what is shown in the bank statement
The address you entered or is currently registered with the IRS does not match the address shown on the bank statement
If your request was rejected, you will need to re-submit your information for review.
For any questions or further assistance, please contact us at support@getchange.io.