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Recommending Insurance Cover Amounts

Using the recommended cover portal for specifying cover amounts & premium estimates for your clients

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over 6 months ago

When you have collated all the information you need for giving Insurance cover recommendations, including your client's Fact Find, Needs Analysis and existing cover - then you are ready to make some Cover amount recommendations! πŸŽ‰

This article will go through the Recommended Cover section in an Insurance Advice Opportunity - and what you need to do to give cover recommendations, edit this and reflect any variations (yours or your client's).

In this article you will learn:

  • What is Recommended Cover in Trail & How does it work?

  • Editing the Recommended Cover

  • Making Client Variations

  • Next Steps!

What is the Recommended Cover in Trail & How does it work?

The table on the Recommended Cover page displays your selected Cover areas (e.g. Life, TPD, Trauma) for yourself or your dependants from the Nature & Scope page, which you will then detail further in specific cover areas in the Needs Analysis sections:

Flow of information into the SOA

When you first arrive on the page, you will need to select "Calculate Cover from my Settings" in order to load the page. This table will flow through to your generated SOA document.

If you do not with to use this feature

If you select the option "Input my own recommendations", this means that the cover level pages in your SOA will have blank tables and sections for you to manually enter your own calculated cover amounts πŸ‘ You can then skip straight to compiling your Statement of Advice document, as this means that the cover level pages in your SOA will have blank

How the Calculation works

It will then make cover calculations based on the Fact Find information, plus the selections in the Needs Analysis and considers the client's Existing Cover and your customizable Cover Level Settings aswell.

Important Note πŸ’‘

This is purely an estimate based on client data entered into Trail, of a recommended cover amount for your client; it is not a replacement of your considerations as an Insurance Adviser on how much your client realistically needs based on their situation. We'll touch on how to edit the recommendations below.

Dependant Cover table

To view the recommended dependant cover table, you can click on the Dependant tab:

This works the same way as for the Adults involved πŸ‘

Estimated Premiums

Trail then uses the premium calculators for Partners Life and Asteron to estimate what the total premium cost for the client will be.

These will adjust if you further edit the recommended cover amounts.

You can always click on the Estimated Premium amounts to overwrite them.

From the "Refine Cover" popup modal, you can either make changes to the calculated level of cover as the adviser, or enter the Cover Portal if you are going through the cover with your client to make further variations.

Editing the Recommended Cover

Clicking on any of the figures under each section, or on 'Refine Cover' above the table, will take you to the editing page. From here, you can make changes to the cover calculated by the software.

Navigating the Refine Cover portal

  • Navigate between cover types at the top of the modal

  • If you are under Trauma or Health, there is the option to view Dependant cover if that is part of your advice

  • You can toggle the switch to move into client variations mode (which will then ask you for reasoning for any changes you make)

Editing Cover descriptions and amounts

You also have the ability to edit the descriptions within each cover item to help explain to the client what each section means, and also overwrite the Trail estimate coverage amounts with what you would recommend to your client:

Excluding Cover areas

Your client has advised you that they do not want a certain cover type, in the summary at the bottom of each cover tab you can deselect to exclude that cover type for the client. You'll also be able to enter a reason for the exclusion which will appear in the client's Statement of Advice document. πŸ‘

This works the same for when you're on the dependant tab for the cover too.

Making Client Variations

Once you are happy with the suggested level of cover and you are with the client in person, it's easy to make client variations.

In most cases, your client will want to make a variation to the cover that has been recommended. Instead of going away, writing up their variations, and bringing them back to the client in a second meeting, Trail allows you to vary the recommended cover with your client on the spot, to save you both time.

To do this, click the green 'Enter Portal' button at the top of the page.Β 

This will take you to the Cover Level Portal, where you'll be taken to a summary of the clients' recommended cover.

From here, you and your client are able to edit the cover levels the client believes are too low or high. To update these levels, simply click on the number you'd like to change, and overwrite this. If any numbers have been changed from the original, the cell will turn orange. You'll want to go repeat this with each cover type that has been recommended.

If any variations have been made, you'll be able to note the reason for the variation.

At any stage, if you need to record any notes of something a client has said, there is a section at the bottom of each cover page that allows you to write down notes.

Once you and your client have updated all the cover levels to best suit their needs, going back to the application editor will show the updated recommended cover for the clients.Β 

Next Steps!

  • You can start working on your SOA document after having done all these sections in the Insurance Advice Opportunity

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