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Reviewing your Clients' Existing Insurances

Adding and editing your clients' Existing Cover

Angel Chessum avatar
Written by Angel Chessum
Updated over a year ago

Once your client has completed the fact find and needs analysis, you'll have more information about any existing insurance policies they have.

You need to review their current policies and decide as an adviser if they should keep, increase, decrease, cancel or replace this current cover with regards to their position and their insurance needs.

Trail assists with making it easy to mark out your analysis in the Existing Cover section of an Insurance Advice Opportunity. Learn more about this below!

In this article you will learn:

  • Reviewing Existing Cover & the Intention

  • Policy Schedule/ Documents relating to Existing Policies

  • Advice on Replacement Business

  • What next?

Reviewing Existing Cover & the Intention

This is done from the 'Existing Cover' page within an Insurance Advice.

Clicking on an existing policy tile will allow you to edit the broad details of the insurance cover items.

You will need to specify the Intention of what to do with the Cover, as part of your advice - e.g. Keep, Replace, Increase, Decrease or Cancel.

If you can add more detail about their existing policies, do this through the Position tab - then go to Existing Policies, if your client has not done this themselves during the online Fact Find:

Policy Schedule/ Documents relating to Existing Policies

Further down the page, you have the ability to see what the client uploaded via the online Fact Find / or upload any relevant Policy Documents you have about their existing policies.

Simply click "Upload Policy Schedule / Document" to upload these from your computer. This will be compiled at the end of your final SOA pdf you produce in Trail.

Once uploaded, make sure to match this to the related Policy they have:

You can also note down any further relevant information regarding their existing policies:

Advice on Replacement Business

There is the last section of the Existing Cover page - and this only appears when you mark an existing policy as "Replace, Increase, Decrease or Cancel":

We will ask you 3 vital questions that probe into your advice and recommendations for your client on why you are suggesting this change, adjustment or cancelation in their existing policies. This is your chance to apply your reasonings and write it in a way that your client will be able to understand your advice.
​The reasoning that you type into these text boxes will appear in the SOA you generate in Trail.

What next?

Once you have reviewed your clients' existing cover, you'll need to begin working on suggesting new cover to your clients.

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