Using the Policy Importer

Step by Step instructions on how to import your data sets from the insurance providers

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will learn:

  • How do I use the Policy Importer?

  • Viewing and updating policies from the import

How do I use the Policy Importer?

After defining your Settings and hitting 'Import Data', you will arrive at the importer screen. Here is where you will be able to upload data from the insurance providers.

Step 1: Upload the data file:

  1. To begin, please select which provider this data is for from the dropdown list (make sure it matches what kind of data set you downloaded)

  2. Next drag your data file into the grey box (or click into the grey box to select your file from your computer) and click Start Import.

Step 2: The importer will scan the data file:

Once Trail has processed the data file you will be asked to match the items in the data with existing advisers in your Trail organisation. This will ensure that any new policies and clients are assigned to the correct adviser.

After you do this for the first time it will be remembered for any future imports.

Step 3: Matching the data into Trail:

Trail will do its best to automatically match these policies and contacts to any existing ones that are already in Trail.

This is also a crucial step when you're using the Policy Importer for the first round of getting all the policy data into Trail. We recommend you carefully confirm and check the suggested matches because then it will mean the policy gets put into the right Profile and belongs to the right Contact.

Once you've done this right the first time with a particular provider's data, then in the future, you can choose to "Autocomplete" as opposed to checking each match.

Matching the Policy to the Profile:

First you will see the profile and policy that are to be imported. You will be presented with suggestions based on where Trail thinks the policies should go - whether it is an Existing Profile or a New Created Profile.

If to you the suggestion looks correct, you can simply click 'Next' to lock it in:

If the suggestion is not correct then you can search and match these to an existing relevant profile in Trail, or create a new one.

Contact Matching:

After completing this part, next are the contacts that own or are covered by this policy. Again you can allow the suggestion as it is correct, search for an existing contact if the suggestion is incorrect OR create someone new. Click "Confirm" to lock it in.

As you proceed through the policies the importer will continue to update its suggestions. Therefore, if you assign a person to an existing profile, the next occurrences of the same person will be assigned to the same profile. This is very handy if you have a contact with many policies belonging to them.

Once you have confirmed the match to make sure the policy will be imported to the right place, then it will disappear from the list allowing you to move on to the next policy:

Everything on this page is always saved so that you can stop at any time and pick back up where you left off at a later time.

Step 4: Review & Import:

Once you have linked all the policies, you can either preview the import which will give you a second chance to check over how the policies will be imported, or you can begin the import.

It is important to note that once you have completed an import, Trail will remember how the data was matched so in the future you will not need to manually link the same policies or contacts again.

The importer will go through and insert the new policies and contacts into Trail as well as updating any existing information that needs to change.

Once the import is complete you will be able to view the report on what has been added and updated. From here you can easily navigate to the profiles where any of the policies are managed, or to view and edit the details of the policy itself.

At any time you can go back to the import page and view a completed import report, or resume an import that is in progress.

Viewing and updating policies from the import:

When viewing a policy in the clients profile, any information that has been updated based on the import will be highlighted green. Showing when it was updated and what the previous value was.

At the bottom of the policy modal you will be able to see the raw data of any benefits from the latest import which, can be easily used to make sure the cover items stored in Trail are kept up to date.

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