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Custom Email Templates

Learn how you can create your own custom email templates to be included in Custom Automations!

Erica Danielson avatar
Written by Erica Danielson
Updated over a week ago

With the release of Custom Automations, we've also introduced brand new Custom Email Templates πŸŽ‰ These templates can be fully edited to be whatever suits your business best and can be attached to any of your Custom Automations πŸ‘

The New Email Templates Page πŸ“§

The Email Templates page in your Settings has a fresh new look ✨ From this page, you can access all of your templates as follows:

  • System Templates - All of the Trail default templates (all templates from the original email templates page can be found here)

  • Shared With You - These are any email templates that have been shared with you by another user. You are unable to edit these templates directly, but you can use them in your own automations.

  • Your Templates - Any email templates that you have created. You can edit these templates completely and changes made to them will effect what others you've shared the template with can see.

How to Create a Custom Email Template

1. From your Email Templates page, click the Create New Email Template button at the top right, seen here:

2. A pop-up will appear where you can customise each section of the template, including the name of the template, a description, its default subject, and of course the body of the email:

Merge Tags

Merge tags are essential in keeping your emails efficient yet personal ✨ To use them in your custom email templates, click the little plus sign on the right side above the body of an email and then click whenever you want to insert a merge tag. Trail will add it in for you where your typing cursor is, including the subject line πŸ˜„

Editing a Template

You can only edit templates that you have created. To do this, simply click into them while on the Your Templates tab, like this:

This will bring up the window that's very similar to what you saw when you were first creating it. From here, you can edit every part of the template to your liking. Please note that any changes you've made here will be reflected for anyone who is currently using the template in the custom automations set up for your business.

Sharing a Template

You may want to give your team a chance to use the awesome template you've created & use this template as part of an automation!

To do this, click into the template to edit it. Then, click the dropdown at the top right of the pop-up and choose to share it either with your team or with your organisation:

πŸ’‘ Important πŸ’‘

In order to apply a new email template as a Custom Automation in your Pipeline Settings, you will need to mark the template as an "Org Template."

Once a template has been shared, another user may use the template when creating the custom automations for each pipeline within a business πŸ‘

Saving A Template as Your Own

You can save a shared template as your own, which means you can then edit it to your liking πŸ˜„ To do this, open a template from the Shared with You page and click the Save Template as Your Own button, like this:

After clicking that, this will pop-up which is a copy of the template you just saved with further indication of it being a "copy":

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