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All CollectionsUsing GiftbitTemplates
Personalize your Greeting
Personalize your Greeting

How to personalize the greeting inside of the template

Sofia Baltasar avatar
Written by Sofia Baltasar
Updated over a month ago

The message body inside of the template allows you to customize your message to recipients who receive a reward. Much like adding a logo, personalizing your greeting allows for recipients to better understand what they are receiving and why.

Setting Message Body

Giftbit's default message includes the following greeting.

  • Hello {{recipient_firstname}}, please enjoy your gift.

The {{recipient_firstname}} token will insert the first name of each contact into the message, providing the contact record includes a first name.

  • Hello Justin, please enjoy your gift.

If a contact record does not contain the first name, the token will automatically insert the word 'there'

  • Hello there, please enjoy your gift.

The message can be adjusted to suit your specific reward or can be left as the default option.

💡Although you can create a large body, Giftbit recommends keeping it on the shorter side, only including information relevant to the reward. Some email providers may cut off parts of your email if the message is too long.

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