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Adding your Company logo to Templates
Adding your Company logo to Templates

How to add your company logo to the template and how to troubleshoot potential issues.

Matthew avatar
Written by Matthew
Updated over a month ago

Adding a logo to your template allows for a more "personal" touch when sending rewards. Additionally, different templates can have different logos depending on what you are using your rewards for.
For information on setting up templates, check out the template article here!

Recommended Formatting

  • Format: JPEG or PNG files

  • Colour Profile: RGB

  • Aspect Ratio: 430 x 120

  • Resolution: 72 dpi

If an image is uploaded with a higher resolution or larger dimensions than the recommended format it will be automatically resized to 72 dpi with a width of 430 pixels

Files with transparent elements are supported.


  • The curves in the image look jagged after uploading.

    • What happened: Jagged edges appear when an image is resized and the smooth curves are represented with fewer pixels.

    • Resolution: Shrink the image and crop the canvas to 430 x 120 pixels then upload the file again.

  • The image appears to have a grid-like pattern after uploading.

    • What happened: CMYK or indexed-colour images can cause distortions when they're converted to RGB colour.

    • Resolution: Switch the colour profile to RGB then upload the file again.

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