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Uploading and Adding Contacts to Giftbit
Uploading and Adding Contacts to Giftbit

Adding contacts to a CSV, TSV, or XLSX file and how to upload that file to Giftbit

Sofia Baltasar avatar
Written by Sofia Baltasar
Updated over a week ago

If you plan to have a large amount of sending, it can be best to upload the list of recipients, rather than entering them all manually to save time.

Add Contacts to CSV, TSV, or XLSX File

  1. Open Excel, Google Sheets, etc.

  2. In the columns input the following information in order

    • First Name

    • Last Name (Optional)

    • Email

  3. Review to ensure the name matches the email address

  4. Save the file as a .csv, .tsv, or .xlsxthe email address

When creating multiple files, use the same column order

Upload Contacts to Giftbit

  1. Select Contacts from the left-hand side menu & then Upload Contacts

  2. Upload the desired .csv, .tsv, or .xlsx file

    • In the drop-down menu select the corresponding labels

    • Add a tag to the contact list so you can easily locate contacts after they are uploaded

      1. If a tag is not selected it will be automatically tagged with today's date

  3. Review information and select Upload

Common Issues

If there are any problems with the upload's contents, a message will appear "A file with error details can be downloaded here" which will provide a pop-up explaining what failed.

  • The file type is not a .csv, .tsv, or .xlsx

  • The email address field was not mapped to the correct column

  • Email address(es) were malformed

  • Formatting in cells of the original file interfered with output

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