Templates are a key part of sending rewards, specifically if you are doing sending through our app, or creating a Zapier integration for your rewards.
Creating a Template
Initial Set Up
First Step is to go to "Templates" on the left navigation and then "New Template" in the top right.
Set your Template name
This helps keep templates organized so you know the use case of each template. Using region, value and use in the name is recommended.
Example: "$100 USD - Research Survey Reward"
Next set an "Email Subject"
If rewards are sent by email, this helps the recipient understand why they are getting the reward and reduces the chance they may view it as spam
Upload your logo, set company name and create a message body.
Information about logo upload can be found here.
Use the message body to give further details about why they are receiving the reward. {{recipient_firstname}} also pulls their first name if you provided it when adding their contact info.
๐กFor further personalization, you can make use of emojis in email subject lines, and message body!
Setting up Reward Selection
With the initial steps complete, click the grey box to open the reward window.
Set the value of your reward, and the region these rewards will go to.
If sending to multiple regions that use the same currency (Euro for example), each country does require it's own template. Some rewards may be region locked to that country.
To learn more about Global, click here.
Decide if these rewards are default rewards or "Promotional Rewards".
Rewards by default can be claimed at any time, even years after they have been sent.
When checking the "Promotional Rewards" box, set the amount of days a recipient has to claim by. This can be set from 1 to 365 days.
Rewards that expire result in partial credit back to your account.
Decide on whether to offer "Full Catalog" or a "Customized" selection of rewards.
Full Catalog: Offer recipients the full Giftbit catalog to pick from.
Certain brands may only be available at specific values
Physical Visa and 1-800 Brands are currently excluded from Full Catalog
Customized: Select the reward options that you would like your recipients to select from.
Use customized if you would like to include Physical Visa, 1-800 brands, or a specific/smaller selection of rewards as their options.
Some brands may not be available at certain values. Hover over a brand to see what values the reward is available for.
For more info on Fully Catalog and Customized and their differences, click here.
With rewards set, click "Save Details" and if the template is ready, you can save and exit, or create a new order in the top right to start sending right away.
Test Email
With a new template set up, you can send yourself a test reward to see how it looks.
Inside of a template click the three dots towards the top right and click "Send Test Email"
By default the reward will be sent to your account email but you can send it to a different email if needed
Avoid sending a test email externally from your company
Send the test email and check the email you sent it to see the template, and see how redemption works
A Test Email is not a real reward and does not cost anything to send.
Giftbit Recommends: Review Templates: Draft Status if you have a template stuck in draft mode