Elate FAQ!
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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Q: Is there a character limit for objective and tactic names?

A: Yes! The character limit for both objective and tactic names is 80 characters.

Q: I'd really like to customize parts of my Elate account, such as the theme color and what we call our "Mission, Vision, and Themes". Is there a way to do this?

A: Yes! Custom branding is available to Elate customers for an additional cost. Please reach out to Elate support to discuss your options for custom branding.

Q: Our organization is the parent organization of small organizations who also use Elate. Is there a way to be able to access their Elate accounts?

A: Please reach out to Elate support to discuss how users with certain permissions can access different "child organizations" within Elate.

Q: What timezone are automated reminders sent out for my Elate account?

A: The timezone for an Elate instance is set at the organizational level so all automated reminders will be sent out at the same time. For example, if you have reminders to update objectives sent out at 9am EST, all reminders will be sent at 9am EST regardless of their individual timezones.

Q: How can I tell if there was an issue with reminders being sent out?

A: If there was an issue with the messaging deliverability you will be able to check if you are an Admin. Navigate to the your Company settings using the arrow in the bottom left corner of your Elate screen then select Company Management. From here, select the Messaging tab. This is where you are able to see all the scheduled sends. If there is an issue, you will see an error message like the one below. If you see this, please contact Elate support for assistance.

Q: Am I able to see a send history of the reminders that have been sent out?

A: Yes as long as you're an Admin. Navigate to the your Company settings using the arrow in the bottom left corner of your Elate screen and select Company Management then select Messaging. Next to Schedules, there will be a Sends tab. Select Sends. Here you will be able to see the send history and the scheduled sends. If there was an issue, the status will say Error.

Q: How does the color coding on metrics work? For example, my goal is 10 and my current number 8 is in yellow font.

A: Great catch! Our color coding rules are as follows:

  • 0-79% of your goal will be Red

  • 80-99% of your goal will be Yellow

  • 100%+ of your goal will be Green

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