Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner (from the main navigation screen) > 'Settings' > 'Applications and Devices', do you see a tick by your wearable? If not, it's not connected. To establish the connection, please press the wearable you want to connect > give the permissions > follow the steps. If you don't receive a tick by the wearable, please try again or contact support.
Did you do the activity after receiving the tick on GoJoe? Historic activities will not pull over.
Did you start the activity before the challenge start time? If so, it will not count in the challenge.
Did you give the permissions to GoJoe when establishing the connection? If not, we'll not be able to read the activities from elsewhere.
Was the workout recorded as an actual activity? Remember, GoJoe isn't about steps. You’ll need to press start and stop and then 'done' (or save) on your wearable unless your wearable automatically detects and recognises it as an activity and sends that to GoJoe.
Does the activity reflect those which count for the challenge? Walks will not appear in a running-only challenge and so on. You can check which activities count in the challenge by pressing into the challenge in question and under the heading 'Activity types' looking to see whether the challenge has been set up to include the activity in question.
Was the activity recorded on your wearable using a generic 'workout' or 'other' category? Try to ensure it is set to an activity type (e.g. outdoor run, indoor cycle, swim etc).
If you're using Apple Health, did you: (a) use an Apple Watch and record the activity using Apple Workouts or as a Nike Run Club; or (b) use Peloton? We only pull over Apple Watch, Nike Run Club and Peloton workouts from Apple Health.
Have you got multiple accounts with your wearable provider? Check that when connecting your wearable to GoJoe and giving the permissions you have not used an old or inactive account with your wearable provider. For example, if you have 'Garmin Account #1' and sync that to GoJoe but your wearable is sending activities to 'Garmin Account #2' which is not synced to GoJoe then the activities will not come over to GoJoe.
Does the activity overlap with an existing activity on GoJoe? In order to keep the challenge fun and fair, GoJoe will not allow you to add or sync an activity which overlaps with an existing activity. Please check that you don't already have an activity which overlaps with the one that you are trying to sync.
If you get stuck please contact support.
Alternatively, log the activity on GoJoe using our tracker or manual input.