To make sure you are receiving the correct points for your activities please check the following article with all the current points calculations here.
The total points on any one activity are capped up to a certain amount. This happens in the scenario where an activity is accidentally tracked for a longer period of time.
That being said it is entirely possible for these caps to be broken. So if you have exceeded the cap on your activity and believe that this is unjust please let a member of our team know in customer support. This can be done via the live chat (Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner > live chat) or email us
Here are the caps:
Cycling: 60
Handcycling: 70
Rowing: 27
Running: 55
Swimming: 50
Walking: 30
Wheelchair: 42
Aerobics: 20
Badminton: 14
Barre: 9
Baseball: 9
Basketball: 18
Boxing: 20
Canoeing: 28
Cardio: 10
Climbing: 40
Cricket: 15
Crossfit: 14
Dance: 16
Diving: 8
Fencing: 12
Football: 18
Golf: 10
Gymnastics: 12
HIIT: 10
Hiking: 50
Hockey: 18
Horse riding: 12
Kayaking: 28
Martial arts: 14
Netball: 16
Other: 8
Paddleboarding: 16
Pickleball: 14
Pilates: 9
Rugby: 18
Sailing: 24
Skateboarding: 14
Skating: 16
Skiing: 20
Snowboarding: 16
Spin: 13.5
Squash: 18
Strength: 12
Surfing: 18
Target Practice: 6
Table Tennis: 12
Tennis: 27
Water Polo: 18
Volleyball: 16
Yoga: 12