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Email accounts

Add your email account to send emails through from Golfmanager.

Updated over a week ago




In this article we will see how to create and configure our email accounts to send confirmation emails to clients, cancellations or communications to our users, partners, etc.


It is important that you know that the Golfmanager email sender uses this same account to send emails from Golfmanager. A bad management with wrong emails and poorly designed templates can lead your account to the blacklists and your emails always to the client's SPAM. We strongly advise you to hire a professional marketing service to avoid this situation.


To register an account complete the following fields:

  • Priority: In case you have several email accounts, the system will send it through the account with this lowest value.

  • Disabled: Check this box to disable this mail account.

  • Sender name: Name that will be shown in the mailboxes we send. Usually the name of the club.

  • Sender account: Account that we will use to send emails. Normally the email of the account we are going to use.

  • Reply address (optional): Where we want to receive the replies to the email sent.

  • Hidden copy address (optional): This option allows us to always receive a hidden copy of each email that leaves Golfmanager.

Server configuration

  • User: Normally the email of the account we are going to use. It is usually the same as "sender account".

  • Password: We will insert the real password of the email account. You will probably have to contact your email or IT provider.

  • SMTP Server: In this field we will insert the data of our SMTP mail server. It is usually configured by the company's IT or technician. They usually start with "smpt". For example:

  • Port: The outgoing mail port number. As in the previous point, it is usually configured by the company's IT or technical staff. Normally the ports are 587, 465 and 25.

    NOTE: Port 25 can be unblocked, but you must make an express request to AWS; it cannot be unblocked through the console. It should be noted that the fact that a club sends emails through port 25 (NOT SECURE) means that the personal information contained in those emails may be accessible to individuals or systems that are not authorized to do so. As a result, and in accordance with ISO27001, which we are pursuing, this request must be collected and authorized, and this club would fall outside the scope of the ISO.

    To adequately respond to these requests, it is necessary to identify the following factors for each case:

    • Server's IP address

    • The protocol / port that they are using

  • Ignore verification: If you are having problems receiving emails, try activating this option.

Once you have finished the configuration, try sending an email making a reservation on the web page to see if it is sent correctly. Please do not use the Try button on this page because it is not working yet.

See our article Last emails sent for a list of emails that can be sent from Golfmanager.

Verify that you have the following IP addresses on your whitelist:,,,

If you have any questions please contact our support team.

Setting up your Outlook account for Golfmanager

It is possible that after correctly configuring the Outlook account the emails are not sent and you find an error in General Settings > Last sent, the same or similar to this one:

aUTH: 535 5.7.3 Authentication unsuccessful [DX1P273CA0024.AREP273.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM]

To fix this situation and have the emails sent correctly, you will need to modify your Outlook account settings by following these steps:

  • Disable 2-factor authentication (2FA).

  1. Go to the Security Basics page and sign in with your Microsoft account.

  2. Select More security options.

  3. Under 2-Step Verification, select Set up 2-Step Verification to turn it on or Turn off 2-Step Verification to turn it off.

  4. Follow the instructions.

  • Enable SMTP authentication.

  1. Open the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and go to Users > active users.

  2. Select the user and, in the drop-down control that appears, click Mail.

  3. In the Email applications section, click Manage email applications.

  4. Check the Authenticated SMTP settings: disabled = disabled, enabled = enabled.

  5. When you are finished, click Save changes.

Configure the email for sending invoices

If you want to change the email from which the invoices are sent, first you have to configure your email account in golfmanager, and when you want to send the invoices by email change the priority of that email account.

You will have to configure it in General settings > Email accounts. The one with the lowest priority is the one that will send the emails.

You can have as many email accounts as you want in this list, but only the one with the lowest priority will send the emails.

Sending limitations with Microsoft 365 Office

Microsoft 365 Office imposes by default a limit of 30 messages sent per minute and a limit of 10,000 recipients per day. These are limitations with your email provider that you can modify.

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