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Last emails sent

Check emails sent through Golfmanager to your clients.

Updated over a week ago




This article will help us to understand this list of last sent emails and its functionality. From this list you will be able to consult all the history of emails sent from the system. You will find the list ordered from most recent to oldest.

This list of last emails sent can be used to:

  • See exactly the email that a customer has received.

  • See the format of the emails we are sending. Ideal to see how the last changes of a template have been.

  • In case of sending error, it gives us a clue of that error to be able to solve it.

You can use the Filter button to search for the desired email. Once you have located it, click on the ID of that email to see more details about this mailing, or click on "view" to see how your customer has received it.

The emails sent through Golfmanager are:

1. sendInvoiceByEmail DNE
2. sendProformaByEmail DNE
3. sendSaleByEmail
4. sendOnlineConfirmationEmail
5. sendOnlineCancelationEmail
6. sendProductEmails
7. sendTicketByEmail DNE
8. sendEmailPreview
9. sendClientConfirmationEmail
10. sendResetPasswordMail
11. sendTicketByEmail (eticadata?)
12. sendRequest (relationships)
13. sendTeacherMail (clase nueva)
14. sendTransferEmails
15. Bulkmail test DNE
16. Bulkmail batch DNE
17. Test mail
18. /system/sendEmail.api (informes, DNE)

* sendSecondFactor

* DNE = Data not structured

The client does not receive emails sent from the system.

If a client tells you that an email you have sent from the system has not arrived, follow these steps:

  • You need to check if the mail left the system without errors. To do this, go to Settings > General Settings > Last sent mails.

    • If you see a Request URL Too Large message, go to this link for more information.

    • If you see a dial tcp XX.XX.XX.XX.XXX:25: connect: connection timed out message, go to this link for more information.

    • If you see a message aUTH: XXX X.X.X.X Username and Password not accepted, go to this link for more information.

  • You have to check that the client's email address has no spaces at the beginning or at the end.

  • You have to check that the email the client is using is the same as the one in his client file.

  • Make a test with a client that you have created in your database to test.

  • The client has to check that the email is not in the junk or spam folder.

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