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Bookings list

Check all the bookings you have registered in Golfmanager.

Updated over a week ago




This list details the history of the bookings that have been made in Golfmanager, sorted from most recent to oldest.

As in any listing, you can use the tools to better exploit your data.

Breakdown tab

In this tab we will see each of the bookings registered in the system, while in the "Grouped" tab we will see the bookings grouped by locator.

The information inside the detail of a booking (to enter you just need to click on the ID of any booking) contains the following fields:


In this section we will see general data for each of our bookings.

  • ID. Identifier of this booking in the Golfmanager database.

  • Locator. Each booking made in Golfmanager will be assigned a locator to make it easier to reach it.

  • Type. Here we will see the type of booking.

  • Start date. The day and time of the start of this booking.

  • End date. The day and time when this booking ends

  • Expiration date. Day and time when this booking will expire. When a player is booking online, he has 15 minutes by default to complete the booking. If he does not confirm (pay for the booking), this booking will expire. As soon as a booking is confirmed, this date is blank, so if we see a booking with an expiration date, it is already going to expire or has expired.

  • Confirmation date. Date and time when this booking was confirmed. A booking is confirmed when it is paid or marked as "On Credit".

  • Sale. ID of the sale or cart where we will locate this booking. This data is useful to see this booking in the POS.

  • Online. Indicates if the booking was made from the online booking engine.

  • API. Indicates if the booking was made through API, normally used by tour operators.

  • Units. The number of bookings within this booking, normally always 1.

  • Configuration. ID of the booking configuration used at the time of generating the booking. You can see all these configurations in Configuration menu > Bookings > Configuration. This field can be useful to identify why a booking has not responded as expected according to your specific rules.

  • Tag. We love this word in Golfmanager and we use it a lot. We can add a tag to any booking so that it appears visible on the occupancy map. It can be useful for many things, but above all it is used a lot in catering because this is where we keep the number of guests of a table at the time of booking.


Before explaining each field in this section, let's explain the difference between the client, the beneficiary and the name.

The client for Golfmanager is the owner or person responsible for a booking. The person who will be "billed" or asked to pay for the booking.

But sometimes, especially in golfing, the holder or client of the booking is not the same as the person who plays, and for this there are two options: beneficiary and/or name. Both mean the same thing to Golfmanager: it is the player of that booking. The difference is that with the beneficiary we choose a client from the database while with the name we only indicate a simple name. The clubs that want to create a client file for each player, with his data, that comes through a tour operator will choose the option of beneficiary. While those who are not interested in the player's data, and in order not to create customer cards without data, will prefer to put the player in the name field.

If you put the name or beneficiary in a booking, it will appear in the occupancy plan above the client.

Tip: to get the name of the Tour Operator who made the booking on the occupancy map, go to the client's record and fill in the alias section. You will see how great the result is.

  • Name: The name of the booking. It can be blank. When a name appears here it is because the client is an intermediary (for example a tour operator) and the one who plays is someone else. For example "Mike". The client is an agency, for example "Leadingcourses", but the one who will come to play is Mike. It is a free and simple field that does not contain anything else, so if you want to collect more data from the client (email, tfo, etc.) you will have to choose the "beneficiary" option later.

  • Email: Email to which this booking is on. If the client of a booking has an email account in his profile, it will be recorded in this booking. Also, if you make an anonymous booking online, the system forces you to leave an email at checkout, and this will be recorded here.

  • Customer: Contact in our database responsible for this booking. This customer will be billed and claim payment so it is the most important data in this section. These bookings will also appear in the client's file, in the bookings tab.

  • Group: The system will record in this field the group that the client has at the moment of making the booking. This way you will be able to get statistics of bookings by groups.

  • Beneficiary: Player of this booking, and unlike the name of the previous point, will be a contact of our database where we can collect more data such as email, phone, address, etc.. By default the beneficiary is the same as the customer at the time of booking but then you can always edit the beneficiary by the real player.


In this section we will see the status of each of our bookings.

  • Paid: is a YES/NO field that simply indicates if this booking is paid or pending payment, and this filter will help us to identify which bookings are still pending.

  • On credit: is a YES/NO field that indicates that a booking has been made "on credit". A booking is marked "on credit" when the client of the booking, at the time it was made, had this "on credit" option activated in his client file. A "on credit" customer has the advantage of being able to book without having to pay for the bookings at that time. It is normally at the end of the month that the club will consult all outstanding credit sales to invoice them and claim payment.

  • Cancelled: is a YES/NO field that indicates if a booking has been cancelled. If the booking is cancelled it will not appear on the occupancy map.

  • Date of cancellation: date on which this booking was cancelled and is used to analyze how many bookings have been cancelled in a period of time. For these reports we recommend exporting to excel or using our "Pivot Tables" tool.


In this section we will see other relevant information about each of our bookings.

  • Type of resource or facility in which this booking was made.

  • Resource or facility where this booking was made.

  • Is Extra: is a YES/NO field that indicates if a booking is an extra. An extra is usually a buggy, electric cart, etc. and can be useful to include or exclude in your listings and reports.

  • Is Crossover: is a YES/NO field that indicates if a booking is a crossover type. A crossover is a booking that is automatically created from another booking. It is very common in golf, where a booking is made on "Tee 1" and two hours later its crossing on "Tee 10". In this case, the booking on Tee 1 is the main booking while the booking on Tee 10 is the crossover booking. These bookings are usually ignored in the reports so as not to duplicate bookings.

  • Observations: Here you can add comments to a booking. You can add them from this screen or directly from the occupancy plan. Also customers will be able to add comments from the widget or the app at the time of booking.


In Golfmanager, when you make a booking, a sale is automatically created. In this section you will be able to see the sales related to this booking for when you need to track some information.

Related bookings

Here you will see the bookings related to this booking, where you will usually find the extra or crossover bookings for when you need to track some information.

  • Add to mass mailing: With this option you will be able to send an email comfortably from the booking list. You can filter, for example, the players coming tomorrow and send them an email with special offers or weather information.

Grouped tab

This tab will show your bookings grouped by locator. In the "unbundled" tab you will see in each row each of the bookings per player in the system for a group, while in the "grouped" tab you will see them grouped in a single row with the total number of bookings. In other words, if a group is booking for 8 players, in the "broken down" tab you will see 8 rows (one for each player) while in the "grouped" tab you will see a single row with "bookings = 8".


Updating the nationality from the Booking List

To search for a booking, go to the Main Menu:

  • Click on Listings .

  • Click on Bookings.

  • Click on the icon of the three dots.

  • Click on "Update Massively".

  • Select "Nationality in the drop-down cell "Field".

  • Fill in the "Value" cell with the country code you can find in the image:

AF = “@@Afghanistan”, AX = “@@Åland Islands”, AL = “@@Albania”, DZ = “@@Algeria”, AS = “@@American Samoa”, AD = “@@Andorra”, AO = “@@Angola”, AI = “@@Anguilla”, AQ = “@@Antarctica”, AG = “@@Antigua and Barbuda”, AR = “@@Argentina”, AM = “@@Armenia”, AW = “@@Aruba”, AU = “@@Australia”, AT = “@@Austria”, AZ = “@@Azerbaijan”, BS = “@@Bahamas”, BH = “@@Bahrain”, BD = “@@Bangladesh”, BB = “@@Barbados”, BY = “@@Belarus”, BE = “@@Belgium”, BZ = “@@Belize”, BJ = “@@Benin”, BM = “@@Bermuda”, BT = “@@Bhutan”, BO = “@@Bolivia, Plurinational State of”, BQ = “@@Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba”, BA = “@@Bosnia and Herzegovina”, BW = “@@Botswana”, BV = “@@Bouvet Island”, BR = “@@Brazil”, IO = “@@British Indian Ocean Territory”, BN = “@@Brunei Darussalam”, BG = “@@Bulgaria”, BF = “@@Burkina Faso”, BI = “@@Burundi”, KH = “@@Cambodia”, CM = “@@Cameroon”, CA = “@@Canada”, CV = “@@Cape Verde”, KY = “@@Cayman Islands”, CF = “@@Central African Republic”, TD = “@@Chad”, CL = “@@Chile”, CN = “@@China”, CX = “@@Christmas Island”, CC = “@@Cocos (Keeling) Islands”, CO = “@@Colombia”, KM = “@@Comoros”, CG = “@@Congo”, CD = “@@Congo, the Democratic Republic of the”, CK = “@@Cook Islands”, CR = “@@Costa Rica”, CI = “@@Côte d’Ivoire”, HR = “@@Croatia”, CU = “@@Cuba”, CW = “@@Curaçao”, CY = “@@Cyprus”, CZ = “@@Czech Republic”, DK = “@@Denmark”, DJ = “@@Djibouti”, DM = “@@Dominica”, DO = “@@Dominican Republic”, EC = “@@Ecuador”, EG = “@@Egypt”, SV = “@@El Salvador”, GQ = “@@Equatorial Guinea”, ER = “@@Eritrea”, EE = “@@Estonia”, ET = “@@Ethiopia”, FK = “@@Falkland Islands (Malvinas)”, FO = “@@Faroe Islands”, FJ = “@@Fiji”, FI = “@@Finland”, FR = “@@France”, GF = “@@French Guiana”, PF = “@@French Polynesia”, TF = “@@French Southern Territories”, GA = “@@Gabon”, GM = “@@Gambia”, GE = “@@Georgia”, DE = “@@Germany”, GH = “@@Ghana”, GI = “@@Gibraltar”, GR = “@@Greece”, GL = “@@Greenland”, GD = “@@Grenada”, GP = “@@Guadeloupe”, GU = “@@Guam”, GT = “@@Guatemala”, GG = “@@Guernsey”, GN = “@@Guinea”, GW = “@@Guinea-Bissau”, GY = “@@Guyana”, HT = “@@Haiti”, HM = “@@Heard Island and McDonald Mcdonald Islands”, VA = “@@Holy See (Vatican City State)”, HN = “@@Honduras”, HK = “@@Hong Kong”, HU = “@@Hungary”, IS = “@@Iceland”, IN = “@@India”, ID = “@@Indonesia”, IR = “@@Iran, Islamic Republic of”, IQ = “@@Iraq”, IE = “@@Ireland”, IM = “@@Isle of Man”, IL = “@@Israel”, IT = “@@Italy”, JM = “@@Jamaica”, JP = “@@Japan”, JE = “@@Jersey”, JO = “@@Jordan”, KZ = “@@Kazakhstan”, KE = “@@Kenya”, KI = “@@Kiribati”, KP = “@@Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of”, KR = “@@Korea, Republic of”, KW = “@@Kuwait”, KG = “@@Kyrgyzstan”, LA = “@@Lao People’s Democratic Republic”, LV = “@@Latvia”, LB = “@@Lebanon”, LS = “@@Lesotho”, LR = “@@Liberia”, LY = “@@Libya”, LI = “@@Liechtenstein”, LT = “@@Lithuania”, LU = “@@Luxembourg”, MO = “@@Macao”, MK = “@@Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of”, MG = “@@Madagascar”, MW = “@@Malawi”, MY = “@@Malaysia”, MV = “@@Maldives”, ML = “@@Mali”, MT = “@@Malta”, MH = “@@Marshall Islands”, MQ = “@@Martinique”, MR = “@@Mauritania”, MU = “@@Mauritius”, YT = “@@Mayotte”, MX = “@@Mexico”, FM = “@@Micronesia, Federated States of”, MD = “@@Moldova, Republic of”, MC = “@@Monaco”, MN = “@@Mongolia”, ME = “@@Montenegro”, MS = “@@Montserrat”, MA = “@@Morocco”, MZ = “@@Mozambique”, MM = “@@Myanmar”, NA = “@@Namibia”, NR = “@@Nauru”, NP = “@@Nepal”, NL = “@@Netherlands”, NC = “@@New Caledonia”, NZ = “@@New Zealand”, NI = “@@Nicaragua”, NE = “@@Niger”, NG = “@@Nigeria”, NU = “@@Niue”, NF = “@@Norfolk Island”, MP = “@@Northern Mariana Islands”, NO = “@@Norway”, OM = “@@Oman”, PK = “@@Pakistan”, PW = “@@Palau”, PS = “@@Palestine, State of”, PA = “@@Panama”, PG = “@@Papua New Guinea”, PY = “@@Paraguay”, PE = “@@Peru”, PH = “@@Philippines”, PN = “@@Pitcairn”, PL = “@@Poland”, PT = “@@Portugal”, PR = “@@Puerto Rico”, QA = “@@Qatar”, RE = “@@Réunion”, RO = “@@Romania”, RU = “@@Russian Federation”, RW = “@@Rwanda”, BL = “@@Saint Barthélemy”, SH = “@@Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha”, KN = “@@Saint Kitts and Nevis”, LC = “@@Saint Lucia”, MF = “@@Saint Martin (French part)”, PM = “@@Saint Pierre and Miquelon”, VC = “@@Saint Vincent and the Grenadines”, WS = “@@Samoa”, SM = “@@San Marino”, ST = “@@Sao Tome and Principe”, SA = “@@Saudi Arabia”, SN = “@@Senegal”, RS = “@@Serbia”, SC = “@@Seychelles”, SL = “@@Sierra Leone”, SG = “@@Singapore”, SX = “@@Sint Maarten (Dutch part)”, SK = “@@Slovakia”, SI = “@@Slovenia”, SB = “@@Solomon Islands”, SO = “@@Somalia”, ZA = “@@South Africa”, GS = “@@South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands”, SS = “@@South Sudan”, ES = “@@Spain”, LK = “@@Sri Lanka”, SD = “@@Sudan”, SR = “@@Suriname”, SJ = “@@Svalbard and Jan Mayen”, SZ = “@@Swaziland”, SE = “@@Sweden”, CH = “@@Switzerland”, SY = “@@Syrian Arab Republic”, TW = “@@Taiwan, Province of China”, TJ = “@@Tajikistan”, TZ = “@@Tanzania, United Republic of”, TH = “@@Thailand”, TL = “@@Timor-Leste”, TG = “@@Togo”, TK = “@@Tokelau”, TO = “@@Tonga”, TT = “@@Trinidad and Tobago”, TN = “@@Tunisia”, TR = “@@Turkey”, TM = “@@Turkmenistan”, TC = “@@Turks and Caicos Islands”, TV = “@@Tuvalu”, UG = “@@Uganda”, UA = “@@Ukraine”, AE = “@@United Arab Emirates”, GB = “@@United Kingdom”, US = “@@United States”, UM = “@@United States Minor Outlying Islands”, UY = “@@Uruguay”, UZ = “@@Uzbekistan”, VU = “@@Vanuatu”, VE = “@@Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of”, VN = “@@Viet Nam”, VG = “@@Virgin Islands, British”, VI = “@@Virgin Islands, U.S.”, WF = “@@Wallis and Futuna”, EH = “@@Western Sahara”, YE = “@@Yemen”, ZM = “@@Zambia”, ZW = “@@Zimbabwe”, UU = “@@Unknown”

Search for bookings in the Booking List

To search for a booking we will have to go to the Main Menu:

  1. Click on Listings.

  2. Click on Bookings.

  3. Filter by any information you know about that booking.

Use some of these filters to perform the search:

Start date = When you play Type = Type of booking Type of resource = Sport, Activity, Buggy rentals, carts, etc. Resource = Tee off (tee 1, tee 10) Cancelled = Yes / no Paid = Yes / no Client = Client name Name Name = Name of the booking Is agency = Yes / no Online = Yes / no Expiration = Expiry date of booking.

There are more filters with options to search for bookings.

You can always save this list for future use by clicking on 3 dots > Customize.

Locate a booking by code or locator code

Every booking has a locator code to identify the booking.

To search for a booking by locator follow these steps

In the Main Menu

  1. Click on Main Menu > Listings

  2. Click on Bookings

  3. Type the locator in the search box and the bookings that contain this code will be automatically filtered.

List of active bookings

To see the list of active bookings, follow these steps.

  1. Click on Main Menu > List of bookings > Filter by:

  • Cancelled equals No

  • Expiration No value

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