Extensions are a tool to alter the normal operation of the program, such as:
add custom fields to a program screen
make fields read-only
hide fields from a screen
Code to add a custom field in a table
<extension type="model" target="customer"> <field name="allergies" type="string" nullable="1" label="Allergies" /> </extension>
target the table name
name the name in the database that will be in lower case and without spaces
string for a short text.
text for a long text.
bool for a checkbox type field.
nullable if you want this field to be left empty
label the name of the label and what will be displayed on the screen
Code to add a custom field on a screen
<extension type="view" target="customer/:id"> <extend path=".//Fieldset" position="add"> <field name="allergies" /> </extend> </extension>
target the table name
name name of the field in the previous step
Code to add a custom field in a listing
<extension type="view" target="customer"> <extend path=".//fields"> <field name="allergies" hidden="1" /> </extend> </extension>
target the table name
name name of the field in the previous step
hidden if we want it to not appear in the list by default
Code to hide a field
<extension type="model" target="customer"> <field name="email" perm="customerAdmin" /> </extension>
target the table name
name name of the field in that table
perm in this case would be perm=“customerAdmin”
This means that to see the email field of a customer's file, you must have the “customer administrator” permission activated.
Code to make a field read-only
<extension type="model" target="customer"> <field name="email" writePerm="customerAdmin" /> </extension>
target the table name
name name of the field in that table
perm for this case would be writePerm=“customerAdmin”
This means that to see the email field in read-only mode (without being able to edit it) of a customer's file, you must have the “customer administrator” permission activated.