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V3 - Bookings (configuration)
V3 - Bookings (configuration)
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Frequent questions


Differences from V1

  • The general parameters are at the area level in V3, while in V1 we went to the Resource Type.

  • You can choose the way to reserve in an area: golf mode, popup, detail page.

  • A calendar can be assigned to a resource.

  • Reservation types can accept participants.

Reserve architecture

  • Area . Grouping of one or more types of resources. Ex. Golf, Paddle, Academy. Many parameters will be defined here such as opening hours, how to reserve, etc.

  • Resource type . Grouping of one or more resources of the same type. For example, golf course, buggies, cars… in the case of golf.

  • Resource . Place, facility or person that can be reserved in a club. For example, Tee 1, Tee 10, buggy 1, buggy 2… in the case of golf. Court 1, 2, 3… in the case of tennis or paddle tennis. Professor Michael, Peter… in the case of academies. The resource will have several configurable parameters, making special mention that here we can associate a calendar in the case of a teacher.

  • Booking type . Way to reserve a resource (facility or person). E.g. Green fee 18 holes, track reservation 1 hour, class 30 minutes. In the type of reservation, many parameters can be configured, such as: the duration of the reservation, the crossings, if it has participants, etc. The type of reservation may have an associated product so that, when booking, a proforma or delivery note is generated with that price. It is important to note that any change in prices must go to the product and not to the reservation type, although from the latter you can quickly access the associated product to make changes.


Section: Settings menu > Reservations > Configuration

Bookings Section

  • Return method when canceling. Select dropdown > Wallet/Deposit Bonus. When a reservation is cancelled, the amount paid will be returned to this payment method (for example the Deposit ) instead of the client's original payment method.

  • Reservation reminder. Select dropdown > Seconds, Minutes, Hours or Days. Here you can customize if you want the system to send a reminder email to the customer before playing.

  • Allow booking as a guest. We will activate this option if we want clients to be able to book without being registered in the club's client database.

  • Allow payment to be divided in consumer: We will activate this option if we want the cost of a purchase (reservation) to be divided among the different customers added to the cart. This option is disabled by default in the system. For more information about this configuration, go to this link.

  • Keep end when changing type. Maintain the end date and time when changing the reservation type. This activated option will mean that, if you have customized the end time of a reservation (for example, you have edited a tennis reservation to last 3 hours). Well, when editing the reservation type, the system will maintain that personalized end time and will not reset to the default duration of the reservation type.

  • Show areas in consumer. Activate this option if you want to show a button for each area on the home page of your website. If you do not activate it, a “Reserve” option will appear only.

  • Occupancy date bar. Activate this option if you want the occupation to display a broad calendar and make it easier to navigate between days.

  • Show month in date bar. Activate this option if you want to add the month to the calendar of the previous option.

  • Prevent making reservations in the past. Activate this option so that the system will not allow reservations for past dates. If a user tries to book for a date in the past, they will receive a message stating that “reservations in the past are disabled.”

  • Show best offer in consumer. Activate this option if you want the best available offer to be shown when making a reservation from the customer area.

  • Customer login required for booking. Activate this field if you want that, when an online reservation is made, player 1 must be the logged in customer. This setting ensures that the logged in customer cannot be removed from the booking, unlike the other players that are included.

  • Copy the first reservation in the popup. Activate this field if you want that when making a reservation, the data of player 1 is automatically copied to the rest of the players in the reservation. This is useful for commercial fields where group bookings are made with the same client.

    If you choose to deactivate this field, the data will not be automatically copied to the other players, but in case you need to copy them, simply select the double square icon that you can find between the player number and the client's name.

Emails Section

  • Email copy address. Send a copy of the reservation confirmation emails to this address

  • Confirmation email from admin. Send confirmation email for reservations made from administration.

Sign up section

It is necessary to activate the plugin to view this section.

  • Customer area alert. Here you can add a text that will be displayed on the registration page in the customer area. The system will paint it with a yellow background that will give the customer the impression that it is an important alert.

  • Customer area information. Here you can add text and HTML that will be displayed on the registration page in the customer area. Unlike the previous option, here it will be painted with the custom style of the HTML.


Section: Settings menu > Reservations > Debugger

If on any occasion, whether at reception or online, a reservation does not appear as you expected, you can use this tool to identify where the error is.

Fill in the information in the drop-down menus and the system will return information that will give you visibility of what may be happening.

  • Date. Obligatory field. Select a date

  • Hour. Obligatory field. Select a time

  • Reservation type. Obligatory field. Select a type of reservation from your list from the drop-down menu

  • Customer. Select a client from your database from the drop-down menu

  • Resource . Select a resource from your list from the drop-down menu

  • Online . Activate/deactivate this option

  • Select the Debug button

The system will show us the results at the bottom according to the selected parameters.

If you can't find the error, please contact our support team to help you.


Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Areas

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Select an ID. General tab

General Section

  • Name of the area. Ex. Golf or Tennis.

  • Increase . How often do you offer reservations to your clients? For example, golf is every 10 or 12 minutes, tennis is every 30 minutes, etc.

  • Start time or when you want to start offering reservation availability to your clients.

  • End time until what time will you offer reservations to your clients.

  • Priority . This number will mark the order in which your priorities are displayed in administration and in the customer area. Choose a number close to 0 so it has a higher priority, choose a very high number if you want it last.

  • Occupancy mode . Choose the mode or interface you want to offer your employees to book in this area.

  • Guy . Choose Restaurant if applicable to activate certain special functions such as requesting the number of guests.

  • Reserve for days . Activate this option if your area is managed with reservations of days and not hours. Golf, spa or tennis reservations usually start and end on the same day, but hotel, residence, car rental, ticket office, etc. reservations usually start and end on the same day. They usually start one day and end on another .

Occupancy Chart Section

  • Cell height in reservation occupancy. Depending on the time increments, you may want to adjust the height to your liking.

  • Cell width in reservation occupancy. Depending on the number of resources in that area, you may be interested in making the cells wider and being able to see more information or, on the contrary, making them narrower to see all the possible resources and save on lateral scrolls.

Confirmations Section

  • Disable notifications . Activate this option to disable sending confirmation emails to customers. There are areas where it is not necessary to send a confirmation email to the client. For these cases, a checkbox has been enabled that allows you to deactivate the sending of confirmation emails. If you do not want customers to receive a confirmation email, simply select this checkbox in the area module.

  • Confirmation email

  • Cancellation email

  • Reminder email

Advanced Section

  • Ignore intervals . The system does not pay attention to the configured intervals and you can make a reservation from and until the time you want. This option is useful to be able to reserve extras whose end is after the end time of the area

  • Ignore intervals in crossings . Activate/deactivate this option

  • Ignore overlap . Reservations can be set up with each other. This option may make sense in agendas for employee tasks but not for facilities with well-defined spaces and availability.

  • Extra booking . In the new reservation pop-up, it will offer you the possibility of making a main reservation and another optional reservation, being able to make two different reservations in a single step. It usually comes in handy for installations where you have to reserve a place and a person. For example, physiotherapist Maria in room 1 or teacher Michael in track 6 .

  • Sales description format. You have to add one of these formats: {product} {type} {date} {time} {endDate} {endTime} {resource} {locator} {customer} {name} {beneficiary}

    Note: Add the {crossings} tag so that the crossings are displayed in the sale description and on the ticket.

  • Crossing sale format . From here you can customize how the sale descriptions are generated with the following keys: {product} {type} {date} {time} {endDate} {endTime} {resource} {locator} {customer}

  • Show checkout button: Activate this option if you want this button to be shown in the Extras section of the booking.

  • Checkout change end date: Allows you to change the end date of a booking in our booking management system. This option is useful to optimise the use of resources, such as buggies, in golf areas.

  • See reservation type in occupancy . Activate/deactivate this option to show the reservation type in the occupancy

Online Reservations Section

  • Available online . Activate if you want this area to be reserved online

  • How to reserve online . Choose what options you want to offer your client when reserving this area in the client area:​

    • Don't choose anything . The client will see only the available hours and will not be able to choose the resource types or resources in this area. You will be assigned the first available one. For example, if you want the first available class to be assigned when booking a class and the client cannot choose who they want to take it with, choose this option

    • Choose resource type . The client will be able to choose from a drop-down menu if they want to see the availability of one type of resource or another. This way you can give visibility to different types of resources within this area. Continuing with the example from the previous point, imagine that you have two types of teachers: teachers and monitors. The client will be able to choose if they want the class with one or the other, and will be assigned the first available teacher of that category or type of resource.

    • Choose the type of resource throught a card. The client will be able to choose if they want to see the availability of one type of resource or another, but unlike the previous option, where they choose it through a drop-down menu, with this option buttons are shown with the image (if you have it added in the Resource type). This option is useful if you have different golf courses

    • Choose resource. The client will be able to choose the specific resource having visibility at all levels. In this way, and continuing with the previous example, the client will be able to see the availability and reserve a specific teacher and not the first available one.

  • Maximum advance notice to reserve. To be able to reserve in this area. Ex. 7 days. From what moment can you reserve in this Area from the customer area. Ex. “7 days” means that you cannot reserve this Area 8 or 10 days in advance. On day -7 before the reservation, this Area will be visible to be able to reserve.

  • Minimum advance notice to reserve . Until when the player can reserve in this Area in the customer area. E.g. “1 hour” would mean that this Area would not be available 30 minutes before the time. This way you avoid a golf lesson being booked with too little notice that does not give the teacher time to organize.

  • Advance notice for full days . Activate this option if you want the system to hide availability until the end of the day.

  • Limit for full days. Time limit that can be reserved in this area. For example, you cannot reserve with less than 1 hour since I do not have time to notify the teacher if he is out of the club.

  • Max reservations per day that a specific player is allowed to have. This is done to make the use of the facilities more fair in clubs with high demand. Ex. 1 reservation per day. The player will not be able to book 2 times on the same day.

  • Max advance reservations . That you are allowed to have a specific player. This is done to make the use of the facilities more fair in clubs with high demand. Ex. 1 reservation in advance. This player may only have one active reservation in the system in the future. If, for example, today is Thursday, you will not be able to book for Saturday and Sunday at the same time. You will have to wait to play on Saturday to be able to reserve for Sunday.

  • Allow cancel. Yes or no

  • Cancellation limit: Add an advance cancellation limit for online bookings. You can set the minimum time (in seconds, minutes, hours or days) that a customer must cancel a booking in advance. If a customer tries to cancel outside this limit, the system will display a message informing the customer that cancellation is not possible. This field can also be added in the Booking Type, with the time added in the Booking Type prevailing, if set in both places.

  • Expiration of pre-reservations . Time that customers have to complete their online reservation, by default 15 minutes. Normally a limit is set so that a customer who does not complete or pay their reservation does not block that exit forever. If you run out of battery, leave the page, or for any reason... if that time passes, the reservation will be lost and will be available again for the next interested player.

  • Customer area alert. Here you can add a message for your clients' area and it will be added on a yellow banner.

  • Customer area information. Here you can add plain text or html text. It will be displayed below the Customer Zone Alert banner above the previous field if it has been added.

  • Image. To add an image to your Area button . You have to select an image from your pc

  • Background color. To add a background color to your Area button . If there is an Image added in the previous field, the background color will not be displayed. You have to select a color

  • Card label. Allows you to add labels to the Area on the area selection page in the customer zone. This text will be displayed below the area name, providing additional information visually.

  • Customer label. Add a customer label if you want only customers who have that label in their customer profile to be able to access this area in the customer zone.

The other Resource Types Tabs , Resources and Reservation Types , will be seen in the following sections.

Resource Types

Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Resource types

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Select an ID. General tab

Special buttons

  • Edit

  • New

  • Actions :

    • View history

    • Copy

    • Eliminate

General Section

  • Name of your resource type. Eg Golf or Golf Buggies. This configuration will affect how the occupancy is displayed or whether you can filter that certain rates are only available in this type of resource.

  • Area to which this type of resource belongs.

  • Priority . Order in which you want this type of resource to appear in the occupation and dropdowns.

  • It's extra . Activate this option if this resource type is for resources that are extras to other resource types. Buggies or rental sticks. When you go to the customer's reservation to add an Extra , all reservation types of this type of extra type resource will be offered.

  • Icon . Useful for extra type resources. Select an icon to be visible on the occupancy map and in the reservation cells with extras. Eg. Buggy (cart), clubs (clubs), electric car (electric)... You can also create your own Icons

  • Multiple . Activate this option if this resource type supports multiple reservations. In the case of golf, activating this option, selecting in the third column, all the cells to the left would be selected, showing a popup with 3 different reservations. While in the case of tennis, activating this option, selecting court 3, would select all the courts to its left and we do not want this. We want to reserve only court 3 because my client likes it. Therefore, in the case of tennis we do not want to activate this option. At first it is only for golf.

  • Available online. Activate/deactivate this option

  • Randomly assign this type of resource when booking and not the first available. By default we will not activate this option.

  • Image. This photo will be visible on the website by your clients:

    • Edit button to add a photo to the client. This photo will appear on the occupancy plan and in the customer area

    • If you select the 3 dots above this photo again, you have the following options:

      • Select File . You can upload an image by selecting file

      • Specify URL . You can upload an external URL, useful for when it is a shared image

      • Delete

        NOTE . These options are available from any image: reservation types, resource types, client file,...

  • Background color. Allows you to customize the appearance of resource types to facilitate their visual identification in the occupancy view. Select the color you want to assign to the resource type. If a color is also assigned in the Resource, the color assigned in the resource will prevail.

  • Show checkout button: Activate this option if you want this button to be displayed in the Extras section of the reservation.

  • Checkout change end date: allows you to change the end date of a reservation in our reservation management system. This option is useful to optimize the use of resources, such as buggies, in golf areas.

  • Reservation map . These fields will be available if you have the restaurant module activated. Activate this option if you want to create a map with resources of this type.

  • Reservation map image (optional). You can paste a photo in the background of the map. Use this functionality to create more spectacular maps.

  • Adjust to grid (optional). Activate this option if you want the system to help you adjust the location of your elements on the map and make them more square.

  • Adjust size (optional). Activate this option to make the entire map fit the size of the screen. This option is interesting to interact with it from your mobile phone; depending on the case, you may be interested in scrolling or viewing it in its entirety in a small size.

The next Resource Tab will be seen in the next section.


Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Resources

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Select an ID

Special buttons

  • Edit

  • New

  • Actions :

    • View history

    • Copy

    • Eliminate

General Section

  • Name of your resource. Ex. Tee 1, track 1, Professor Michael.

  • Area to which this resource belongs.

  • Type of resource to which this resource belongs.

  • Slots or number of places in this resource. This course is useful for golf, where there are usually 4 spaces for players at each tee time. In your case we will enter a 4 while in the rest of the cases we will keep this field empty.

  • Background color. Allows you to customize the appearance of resources to facilitate their visual identification in the occupancy view. Select the color you want to assign to the resource. If a color is also assigned in the Resource Type, the color assigned in the resource will prevail.

  • Prevent loose slots. Yes or no. If you activate this option it is because you want only the hours that are completely empty to be offered online. In golf it is strange that this option is activated, but there are exclusive clubs without space problems, who do not want players to be able to join other games. But in the case of tennis it is very normal. When you have selected 4 players in the resource type, but only 2 tennis players reserve the court for you, you also do not want that time and court to be offered to two other players. Therefore, in sports such as tennis this option can be very useful.

  • Teacher . Here we can associate a teacher to the resource. It is useful when the resource is a person (academy) and they need to enter the application to see their reservations (Teacher App).

  • Priority . Order in which we want this resource to appear on the occupancy map and in the drop-down menus.

  • Available online. Yes or no

  • Minimum capacity. Field intended for use by the Restaurant, where a table is configured as a Resource. Defines the minimum number of guests required to reserve this table. For more information go to this link.

  • Maximum capacity. Field intended for use by the Restaurant, where a table is configured as a Resource. Defines the maximum number of guests required to reserve this table. For more information go to this link.

  • Ready . The value of this field can be yes or no. What the system will do is from the occupancy map look at the reservations for those rooms, mark them as dirty, and paint the color of that status next to the room number in the reservation occupancy, with Red = dirty, and Green = clean.

The first thing you should do before the start of the day is reset the status of the rooms to know which rooms are dirty and which need to be cleaned. On this screen you have a list with a column that tells you if that resource (Room) is ready or not. Clean means it is clean:

    • Select the Update Status button . What this button will do is look at the reservations that were made yesterday and mark those resources, or rooms, as NOT ready. That is, it is dirty.
      ​NOTE . You can create a custom list of clean and dirty rooms, which may be useful to you.

Periods Section

  • Resource . Read only (depending on the Resource you are on)

  • Weekdays . By default, all selected days of the week appear. When you select a day, that day remains activated and the rest are deactivated. Reselect the desired days

  • Start date . You can select a start date or leave the field empty

  • Ending date . You can select an end date or leave the field empty

  • Start . You can select a start time or leave the field empty

  • End . You can select an end time or leave the field empty

Map Section

  • High

  • Broad

  • Radio

  • Rotation

  • x position

  • position and

  • Map reservation type

  • Font size: Enter the desired value for the font size (decimals can also be entered). This field allows you to adjust the size of the font that identifies the resources on the table map. This allows users to customise the visibility of resource names or identifiers, improving clarity and making the map easier to read.

Booking Types

Section: Configuration menu > Bookings > Booking Types

Reservation types are the ways you can reserve a facility or person (known as a resource). When you choose the date, time and resource, the system will show you all the available reservation types according to the different configured rules. Examples:

  • Golf: GF 18H, GF 9H, GF 18H members, etc.

  • Tennis: Tennis 60', Tennis 90'.

  • Academy: Private class 1 pax 60', Private class 2 pax 60'.

Relationship between reservation type and product .

The booking type may also be known or interpreted as Rate . But this is not entirely the case since V3 is a system that can be used to reserve anything and, in some cases, there is not always a price or the need to generate a sale (proforma) when booking.
In case we want to reserve a resource and, at the same time, generate a (proforma) sale to that client... we will add the product that we have previously created to the reservation type .

  • Prices, taxes and accounting accounts will be managed from the product .

  • From the type of reservation, durations will be managed, when and for what resources it is available, who can reserve, etc.

In other words, you create a product with its prices and then with the type of reservation you indicate how it will be able to be contracted.

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Select an ID

Special buttons

  • Edit

  • New

  • Actions :

    • View history

    • Copy

    • Eliminate

General Section

  • Name of your reservation type. E.g. Green fee 18 holes, Tennis 60', Class 60' 1 pax…

  • Area in which this type of reservation will be available.

  • Duration of each reservation of this type. Golf is usually 10 minutes, tennis 60 or 90

  • Category (optional). This data can be useful for later reports. They will be grouped by category. They will also organize the reservation types by category when making online reservations in the customer area.

  • Resource Type (optional) if you want to limit this type of reservation to certain resource types in this area.

  • Resource (optional) if you want this type of reservation to book on a specific resource. For example, if you want Tee 10 to be reserved until 10:00. Or if you want the Wardrobe 3 perk to reserve that resource instead of the first available one.

  • Product (optional). If you assign a product, every time you make a reservation of this type, a sale will be generated with this product automatically. Within the product you can manage dynamic prices based on the time, day of the week, type of client, etc.

  • It has crosses . A crossover is a reservation that is automatically created from a parent reservation. For example in golf, when you make a reservation on Tee 1, you may want it to be reserved on Tee 10 two hours later. Or a tennis class, you may be interested in automatically reserving a court. By activating this option and selecting the Save button , a new Crossroads section will appear .

  • Multiples . It is necessary to reserve in multiples. This field is used to force the player to contract this rate 2 in 2, 3 in 3, etc. For example 2 GF + buggy . If the booking type is available online and this field has a value, when this booking type is displayed online the indication ‘per person’ will automatically appear next to the price.

  • Separable . Yes, it can be canceled separately. Activate this option if you want to allow a line of a pack (example 2 GF + buggy) to be deleted. Normally the packs are not separable, that is, if you cancel one line of the pack, all of them will be deleted.

  • It's Pack . This option is only valid for online green fee packages (multipack). This activated option hides this type of reservation in the occupancy and shows it only when a multipack is being reserved through the special button in the customer area enabled for packages.

  • Priority . Order in which you want your reservation types to appear. A number here close to 0 will make this type of reservation appear at the beginning, and a number close to 1,000 will make it appear at the end of the list, for example, when making a reservation and selecting from the drop-down menu.

  • It has participants . Activate this option if this type of reservation allows participants. It is useful for paddle tennis reservations or group classes. There can be several clients (or participants) in the same reservation. You have to know how to differentiate between participants and resource slots. Participants are several clients in the same reservation, while slots are several reservations with one client in each one. By activating this option and selecting the Save button , a new Participants section will appear .

  • It's extra . Activate this option if this type of reservation is extra. An extra is a type of reservation that complements a main reservation. For example, the buggy or rental clubs are usually extras of the green fee. This will mean that, when you enter a reservation and select extra , a popup will appear with a drop-down list with all the extra reservation types.

  • It's Agency . It is necessary to download the Agencies module . If activated, when making a new reservation, in its details, you will have a beneficiary section visible where you can add the name, email and/or nationality of the reservation.

  • Confirmation copy. Yes or no

  • Mandatory customer. Activate this option if you want to prevent booking without specifying a client in the reservation.

Participants Section

  • Price per person .

  • Allow sign up . Activate this option if you want to convert this type of reservation into a Sign Up and allow customers (or participants) to join this activity. It is very useful for proposing paddle tennis games or academy clinics.

  • Minimum places for each reservation of this type.

  • Maximum places for each reservation of this type.

  • Minimum level to be able to sign up. Useful for padel games where you want all participants to have a similar level.

  • Maximum level to be able to sign up. Useful for padel games where you want all participants to have a similar level.

  • Genre for this game, in case you want to organize games of the same genre.

Online Section

  • Available online (optional). Activate this option if you want this type of reservation to be visible and can be used by your players in the customer area.

  • Allow pending payment . Activate this option if you allow players to book this type of reservation without having to prepay in the customer area.

  • Minimum advance notice to reserve (optional). Until when can the player book this type of reservation in the customer area. E.g. “1 hour” would mean that this type of reservation would not be available 30 minutes before the time. This way you avoid a golf lesson being booked with too little notice that does not give the teacher time to organize.

  • Maximum advance notice to reserve (optional). From when can this type be reserved from the customer area. E.g. “7 days” means that you cannot book this type of reservation 8 or 10 days in advance. On day -7 before the reservation, this type will be visible in order to be reserved.

  • Limit for full days (optional). Activate this option if you want the system to show availability until the end of the day.

  • Advance notice for full days (optional). Activate this option if you want the system to hide availability until the end of the day.

  • Allow cancellation. Activate this option if you want a customer to be able to cancel their booking from the customer area.

  • Limit for cancellation. Add an advance cancellation limit for online bookings. You can set the minimum time (in seconds, minutes, hours or days) that a customer must cancel a booking in advance. If a customer tries to cancel outside this limit, the system will display a message informing the customer that cancellation is not possible. This field can also be added in the Area, with the time added in the Booking Type prevailing, if set in both places.

  • Minimum amount. If you want to show this type of reservation when there are at least this number of people. For example, “GF groups” when 8 or more players are playing. Here we will put an “8”.

  • Maximum amount. If you want this type of reservation to be available up to this number of players. This field is usually used for Buggy type reservations, in which we mark with a “2”, so that no more than 2 buggies can be reserved in the same outing.

  • Identify the customer. Select this field if you want the customer to be identified when making a reservation from the customer area (reservations made online). Customers can be identified by:

    • Member number. The customer must specify the member number, and it will be validated that it exists.

    • Relationships. The player will be able to identify the name of the player from a list of his friends. Each player can request friendship with whoever they wish.

NOTE: The option to search by Customer Name from the club database has been removed from this functionality in compliance with data protection and privacy regulations.

  • Identify by name. Activate this field if you do not want the customer to be identified and for each booking you will be asked to enter a free name. The system will not check that customer in the database. The field Identify customer must be deactivated.

  • Search for name in the database. Activate this option if you wish that, when making an online booking, by adding the customer's name, the system can search and associate the customer with an existing record in your database. Before enabling this functionality, please review your privacy policy to ensure that you adequately inform customers about how their data is used.

  • Search by member number. Activate this option if you wish that, when making an online booking, by adding the member number, the system can search and associate the customer with an existing record in your database. Before activating this functionality, please review your privacy policy to ensure that you adequately inform customers about how their data is used.

  • API tags. (optional). You can add a label to the type of reservation so that the TTOO, when searching for rate availability, can better identify them. In other words, each club calls the buggy in a different way (car, electric car, buggy, golf cart). This makes it difficult for the TTOO to standardize rates among all clubs. If the entire industry gets used to giving it the same label, for example "buggy", we will facilitate the connection between GM and the TTOO.

  • Booking Type Tags. Tag that is associated with a booking type. This tag is used for Booking Rules configuration. For more information on how to configure Booking Rules, please refer to this link.

  • Allow as a guest. Allows booking for any customer if the one making the booking meets the conditions. This allows the system to validate only the customer making the booking (who fulfils the conditions set), without applying restrictions or validations to the guest customer assigned in the booking, regardless of their customer label.

  • Description (optional). Add a description of this type of reservation here so that your clients can inform themselves before booking it.

  • Long description (optional). Add a description of this type of reservation here so that your clients can inform themselves before booking it.

  • Image. If you wish, you can add an image that you have saved on your PC:

    • Edit button to add a photo to the client. This photo will appear on the occupancy plan and in the customer area

    • If you select the 3 dots above this photo again, you have the following options:

      • Select File . You can upload an image by selecting file

      • Specify URL . You can upload an external URL, useful for when it is a shared image

      • Delete

NOTE . These options are available from any image: reservation types, resource types, client file, ...

Filters Section

  • Start date (optional). From what date this type of reservation will be available. For example, “1-1-2024” would mean that this type of reservation could not be used in 2023. If you leave it blank, it will always be available.

  • End date (optional). Until what date this type of reservation will be available. For example, “12-31-2023” would mean that this type of reservation could be used until that date and it would not be available for 2024. If you leave it blank it will be available until forever. You can modify it at any time.

  • Start time (optional). From what time this type of reservation will be available. E.g. “16:00” would mean that this type of reservation could not be used before that time. If you leave it blank it will be available from the beginning of the day. This option is useful for launching reservation types during off-peak hours.

  • End time (optional). Until what time this type of reservation will be available. For example, “12:00” would mean that this type of reservation could not be used after that time. If you leave it blank it will be available until the end of the day. This option is useful for launching reservation types at peak times.

  • Calendar (optional). You can choose to make this type of reservation available in one of your previously created calendars. This functionality is very useful for twilight rates. Instead of creating many date ranges during the year indicating from what time the twilight is available and until what time the normal GF 18H is available, you create it in a calendar and here it is configured in one click.

  • Days of the week (optional) on which this type of reservation will be allowed to be booked. Useful for clubs that have different rates on weekdays and holidays.

  • Holidays (optional). Activate this option if you want this type of reservation to be used on holidays. There is the possibility of adding those days in your location in General Settings / Holidays.

  • Customer label (optional). Add here which group of clients can access to book this type of reservation. “Members” so that this rate is only available to them. The label concept is key to understanding how the program works. As we have said, this tool is useful for reservations for members, guests, employees, etc. Note , you can have more than one tag. What the system will do is look at the customer of that reservation, look at the labels within their file, and validate that they can contract this type of reservation. Note , you can leave this field blank, which will mean it will be available to all customers .

Confirmations Section

  • Confirmation email. Select the desired template

  • Cancellation email. Select the desired template

  • Reminder email. Select the desired template

Appearance Section

  • Background color (optional). You can customize the background of the cells in the occupancy when using this reservation type. This way you can put a different color to the reservations of partners, agencies, etc. and make it more useful and intuitive for your employees.

  • Text color (optional). Same point as the previous one, but this time the color of the text inside the cell. Note , choose a light text color when the background is dark and vice versa.

  • Icon (optional). If you add an icon, every time you make a reservation, you will see it in the reservation cell. It is useful, for example, to be able to see which players have a buggy. Note: You can also add the icon to the resource type, so you might see the same icon twice on the same reservation. If this is the case, choose the icon here or in the resource type and not both. You can also create your own Icons

Cross Section

A junction is a reservation ( junction reservation ) that is automatically created from a main reservation . For example in golf, when you make a reservation on Tee 1, you may want it to be reserved on Tee 10 two hours later. Or a tennis class, you may be interested in automatically reserving a court. This crossing option will be visible at the bottom of the reservation type page if we activate the Has reservation type crossings option and select Save .

You can create as many crossings as you want in the same type of reservation. This option is useful for making a certain crossing depending on where you are booking. This is clearly seen with the example of golf crossings in which we want, if the reservation has been on Tee 1 , the crossing to be made on Tee 10 2 hours later and vice versa.

Keep in mind that crossings can be made between different areas. That is, a golf reservation could block a tennis crossing, for example.

When the reservation is made in…

We will fill out this section to tell the system under what circumstances it should generate a crossing:

  • If we leave both options blank the system will always create a junction when this type of reservation is used

  • Resource type. The match will be generated if the reservation has been made on any resource of that resource type

  • Resource. The match will be generated if the reservation has been made on that specific resource. This option is useful for golf crossings from Tee 1 to Tee 10.
    ​NOTE . It is not necessary to fill out both fields (resource type and resource). One of them is enough.

It will generate a crossing in…

We will fill out this section to tell the system where it should generate the crossing:

  • If we leave both options blank, the system will always create a match on the first available resource of the resource type with the highest priority. This option is not usually useful, but there it is

  • Resource type. A match will be generated on the first available resource within that resource type. This option is useful for buggy crossings, where you want the first available buggy to be booked without specifying the buggy number

  • Resource A match will be generated on that specific resource. This option is useful for extras to reserve a specific resource such as Costume 3.
    ​NOTE . It is not necessary to fill out both fields (resource type and resource). One of them is enough.

  • Starting margin . How long after (or before if you put the amount in negative) should the crossover reservation begin in relation to the main reservation. A golf crossing is usually made “2 hours” after the main booking, while the buggy booking usually starts at the same “0 hours” (or blank) time as the main booking. Therefore, if we do not fill in this field, the crossing will be made at the same start time as the main reservation.

  • Duration . How long should the crossing reservation last? In the case of a golf crossing the normal time is 10 minutes, while for an 18-hole buggy it is usually 5 hours. Note if we leave it empty the same duration as the main reserve will be obtained. We will only use it if the duration of the crossing is different from the original, for example if the crossing is for a buggy that lasts 5 hours while the golf reservation is 10 minutes

  • Multiples . If you want the crossing to be generated every x multiples. For example, with the offer of 2 GF + buggy, you want a buggy reservation to be made for every 2 players and not for each of them. That way you will put a 2 so that it works as it should.

  • Include in Reports. Activate this field if you wish to include ‘Crossing’ type reservations in the reservation reports generated by the system (Available soon).

Golf Crossing Example

Note . This would be a crossing at 2 and a half hours.
​Note . See how it is not necessary to fill in resource types or duration.
​Note . Another crossing would have to be created to make the crossing from Tee 10 to Tee 1 if necessary.

Example of crossing 2 GF + buggy

Questions section when booking

  • Type. Read only. The type of reservation to which it belongs appears by default

  • Text. Obligatory field. Write text

  • Mandatory. Activate/deactivate option

  • Priority. Select a priority for viewing

Booking Rules

Section: Configuration menu > Bookings > Booking Rules

These rules allow you to set specific restrictions and conditions for bookings, offering greater control and customization according to your business needs.

To create a booking rule, follow these steps:

  • Select New

  • Name: Enter a name for the rule to easily identify it in the list.

  • Booking Type Tag: Select a label from the drop-down list. The system will associate this booking rule with the Booking Types, through this Label. Therefore, this rule will apply to all those booking types that have this label added in their Online Section > Field: Tags. This image shows an example of the Online section of a Booking Type

  • Channel: Choose the applicable channel from the drop-down list: All, Internet or Administration.

  • Priority: Define the priority of the rule.

  • Customer Tags: Select the customer labels to which this rule will apply.

  • Customer Mode: Select whether the rule should apply to the person making the Client Mode: Select if the rule should apply to:

    • All: Select this option if you want it to not take the customer into account, that is, it will apply to all reservations made, regardless of the customer making the reservation.

    • Customer: Select this option if you want the rule to apply to the Customer who makes the reservation.

  • Quantity: Specify the number of times the rule can be applied, associated with the period you select.

  • Period: Choose the relevant period: slot, hours, days, weeks, month, year or active bookings.

  • Example: This rule states that for all booking types with the Greenfee tag and made through any channel, players with the Member Annual and Member Monthly tags will only be able to make one booking per day.

Booking Views

Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Views


A view is an optional tool for customizing reservation occupancy. By default, the system shows you all the resources in that area, but you may be interested in customizing the columns or mixing them with other areas. This is what views are for.

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Export to Excel

    • Import from Excel

    • See the trash

    • Bulk editing

Select an ID

General Section

  • Name for this view. Ex. Golf.

  • area of this view. It is mandatory to select one. Ex. Golf.

  • Hours column. Activate this option if you want a column with the hours to appear in your view.

  • Name of participants . Activate this option if you want to display the customer's full name and surname in the booking cells with participants.

  • Priority for this view, which will mark the order in which they appear in the dropdown when selecting view. Ex. 0.

  • Minutes occupancy. The maximum number of minutes to calculate the occupancy percentage

  • Print posters. Activate or deactivate this option. It is to print the buggy posters from the occupancy plan. By activating this field, the buggy icon will be visible so that the posters can be printed

Occupancy View Elements Section

  • Type of resource you want to display in the view. Ex. 18 Hole Course.

  • Icon if we want an icon to be added to the occupation header. You can also create your own Icons . The most common icons are:

    • Cart (buggy).

    • Electric (electric car).

    • Manual (manual cart).

    • Clubs (golf clubs) .

  • Name if we want text to be added to the occupation header. Ex. 18H. ‏‏‎

  • Priority or the order in which we want them to appear in the view. Ex. 1.

  • Column width . You may be interested in a 50 for extras columns or a 200 for reservations where names and icons are shown.

  • Grouped . If you activate this option, only the positions available in that type of resource will be shown. Ex. 50. If you do not activate it, a column will be displayed for each resource within that type of resource. The types of extra resources such as buggies or rental sticks are usually grouped together .

Allowed profiles section

With this utility you can make only a certain user profile access this view. This way you can make a teacher only see his agenda, or the restaurant cannot see the golf agenda. If you leave this listing empty, this view will be available to all users.


Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Packages

It is a tool that allows you to create offers for your clients so that in a certain period of time, for example a week, your player books 2, 3... times at your course and thus prevents them from going to another club.

Special buttons

  • New. It is the button to create a new package:

    • Name: of the package you want to create, for example 2 Course pass within 7 days.

    • Number of days: Number of rounds that the package will include.

    • Start date. Day from which you can start enjoying the package.

    • End date: Last day to enjoy the package.

    • Minimum between days: Here you can configure the package so that there is a minimum interval between rounds, you have the option to configure by seconds, minutes, hours and days.

    • Total maximum period: Here you can configure the duration of the package, you have the option to configure by seconds, minutes, hours and days, (for example, the package can last 7 days but include only two rounds).

    • Priority: Order in which you want this package to appear in the package list.

    • Separable. Activate/deactivate this option. Indicates whether the packet can be split. If it is not separable, everyone must play on the same days and payment must be made in a single payment.

    • Image: This is the option to add an image to the package.

    • Description: Description of the package, in this space you can put a description to highlight this package.

  • Actions: Drop-down with the following options:

    • Export

    • Export (all columns)

    • Matter

    • See the trash

    • Edit mode

    • Bulk editing

Selecting an ID

  • Edit. To edit the package

  • New

  • Actions :

    • View history: View changes made to the package.

    • Copy: Copy the package information.

    • Delete: Delete the package .

Reservation Types Section

  • New: Button to create a new type of reservation.

    • Pack . Read-only field

    • Reservation Type: Reservation type available within the package.

    • Minimum number: Minimum number of times that reservation must be played within the package (configurable).

    • Maximum number: Maximum number of times that reservation can be played within the package (configurable).

  • Actions: “Edit mode” and “bulk edit” options.


Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Origins

This option is only available for the reservation module per day, such as for a hotel. When creating a provenance, an option will be selectable from the reservation popup or from the reservation detail.

Special buttons

  • New :

    • Name . Obligatory field

  • Actions :

    • Export

    • Export (all columns)

    • Matter

    • See trash

    • Bulk editing

    • See the trash

Automatic extras

Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Automatic extras

Special buttons

  • New

  • Actions :

    • Export

    • Export (all columns)

    • Matter

    • Bulk editing

    • See the trash

Select an ID

Special buttons

  • Edit

  • New

  • Actions :

    • View history

    • Copy

    • Eliminate

General Section

  • Name. Obligatory field

  • Activity. Obligatory field

  • Product. Obligatory field. You are not charged the courtesy margin if you price the product per hour.

Dates Section

  • Start date

  • Ending date

  • Weekdays

  • Activate with the sun . The system will automatically pick up the sunrise and sunset according to the settings in your system from Settings > General > Location Section > in the Latitude and Longitude fields . The system will charge the proportional part if you put the product on an hourly basis, if not, it will be fixed

  • Start time

  • end time

Filters Section

  • Resource type

  • Resource

  • Reservation type

Margin Section

  • Margin at the beginning. For track automation: how long before the reserve the extra is activated, for example the automatic light

  • Margin at the end

How to add custom fields to create a reservation


When making a reservation, the system will ask you for the client, the type of reservation and optionally observations. But there are facilities where it is necessary to request more information, for example the origin of a reservation (website, agency, telephone, etc.).

How to add a custom field in the popup

Section: Menu > Developer > Extensions

The first thing you should know is that you have to have developer permissions to be able to do this action.

  • Select New

  • Add a description , for example “Custom field in reserve”

  • Add the following code (replacing provenance with the name of your field):

<extension type="model" target="booking"> <field name="source" type="string" nullable="1" label="Source" showInPopup="1"/> </extension>

NOTE . In the name field you must put lowercase letters and without spaces.

The result will be that this field will appear at the bottom in the reservation popup.

NOTE . At the moment this functionality is NOT available for green fee reservations (multiple reservation).

How to add crosses in the description of the sale and on the ticket

Section: Configuration menu > Reservations > Areas

We will explain how to configure the system to show the crosses in the description of the sale and on the ticket. This functionality is especially useful in managing reservations in golf areas.

  • Go to the settings wheel and under Reservations select Areas.

  • Select the Area reference, in this example Golf.

  • Select Edit.

  • In the Advanced section , look for Sales Description Format.

  • In this field, add the {crossings} tag.

  • Select Save.

This tag will allow the crosses to be displayed in the sale description and on the ticket.

How to configure Group Reservations in the Customer Area

Allows users to make reservations for groups directly from the Customer Area, making it easier to manage multiple reservations.

To access this configuration, you must first install the “Multipack” module: Configuration Menu > System > App Market > Multipack. Once installed, follow these steps:

  1. Configure Reservation Packages - Group Reservations.

  • From the Configuration Menu > Reservations > Packages, select the New button to create a new reservation package.

  • Configure the reservation package according to your needs, following the instructions on the screen.

  • Note: For Group Reservations, the Number of Days field must be left empty.

2. Configure the Group Reservations Widget.

  • From the Configuration Menu > Reservations > Areas > Golf, select the Widget tab and select the New button.

  • For more information on how to create a new widget, please go to this link

  • Example:

Once setup is complete, users can access the Group Booking option in the Customer Area in two ways:

  • From the top menu: by selecting Packages from the menu and selecting the Group Booking option.

  • From the Golf section: the widget that has been set up for Group Booking will appear on the left, below the booking date.

When selecting Group Booking, users will be taken to a window where they would need to follow the following steps to complete the group booking:

  • Indicate the number of players in the booking. The maximum number of players per Group Booking is 20

  • Select the Update button

  • Select where you want to make the booking

  • Select the date of play

  • Select the time, type of booking and number of players using the drop-down menus

  • Add Extra. Select this option if you want to add extras to the reservation

  • Add Day. Select this option if you want to book more days for the same group.

  • Select Continue in the bottom right corner to proceed to the payment screen, where a summary of the reservation made will be displayed.

How to configure split payment in the customer area.

This setup allows users to spread the cost of a purchase across multiple customers. This improvement is optional and clubs can activate or deactivate this feature according to their preferences. Several prerequisites are necessary for its configuration:

  • Club Settings: This option is set as optional for clubs, and is disabled by default. Clubs can decide if they want to offer the option to split the payment to their users. From Configuration Menu > Bookings > Configuration > Activate the option Allow split payment in consumer.

  • User Profile Configuration: It is necessary that the client be identified in the database. Clients must be registered in the system to be able to search for the client by membership number or by relationships with other clients.

  • Customer Identification: Sales need to be associated with a customer. If there is no customer identified in the sale, it will not be possible to split the payment. For this purpose, in the configuration of the Booking Type > Online Section > Customer Identification cannot be by ‘Name’, but by Member Number or by Relationship, so the field Identify customer must be active (equal to yes).

  • In the Booking Type configuration, the Product field cannot be empty; it is necessary to associate a product with the reservation type.

Once the previous considerations have been taken into account and the configuration has been made in the system, when accessing the customer area and identifying ourselves as a customer (entering email and password), if, for example, a reservation is made for two greenfees, for you and for another customer, when continuing with the reservation process, two payment options will be shown:

  • You pay for everything: The client who makes the reservation pays the total amount of the reservation.

  • You pay for your part: You make the payment for your reservation and the payment that corresponds to the other client will be marked as confirmed but pending payment in their account.

    The other client can:

    • Pay it directly from your profile.

    • Go to reception to make payment.

    • If you have contracted the Direct Payment module, the system will send a payment link to the rest of the players.

Note: By default, the system will mark the other client's reservation as confirmed but pending payment. There is the option that the other client's reservation is not confirmed (draft) and expires automatically if it is not paid before the established time. This time is determined by the time entered in the Area > Pre-reservation expiration. If you wish to activate this option, go to the Configuration Menu > CRM > Configuration and activate Split payment and the other reservations will expire.

Translated with (free version)

How to configure RFEG License (Real Federación Española de Golf)

The following explains how to use the module to integrate the handicap directly from the RFEG website. This module allows you to verify and display the status of the license and the handicap of the players automatically, facilitating the management of reservations and control of licenses.

  • In order to add the RFEG License in the client's profile, it is necessary to have the RFEG License and Federative Licenses module contracted and installed.

  • Once these modules have been downloaded, go to Configuration Menu > Reservations >Resource Type, select the resource type “Golf” and activate the option Requires License to enable license verification.

  • Access the client list, from the Main Menu > CRM > Clients, and select the reference of the client to which you want to add the License.

  • Select the Federative licenses tab.

  • You have two options:

    • New button: to add the License manually. To do so, select New and follow the steps below:

      1. Area (required): select the “Golf” area.

      2. Client: appears by default.

      3. License: manually add the client's license.

      4. Handicap: manually adds the customer's license.

      5. Points.

  • Search RFEG license button: to add the License from the RFEG database. Select the Search RFEG license button and add the license number. Automatically, the system will add the license and the current handicap of the client.

Note 1. If the License is wrong, an error message will appear: “License not found”.

  • When making a reservation:

    • Online: If the logged in client or any of the clients added to the reservation does not have a license, it is not going to allow to continue with the reservation. A message will appear indicating: Client XXXX does not have a license.

    • From reception: In the “Golf” occupancy for a client without a license, a message will appear informing that this client does not have a license. The system allows you to continue with the reservation (by selecting OK), but informs you that there is no license added.

Note: Once the client's license is added, the player's license status and handicap is not updated with the RFEG information.

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