UI & Brand Updates
GoodJob made multiple updates to the UI to align with the new brand colors and theme.
Recolored behavior animals to Match new brand/color scheme
Restyled the 404 Error page to use the new brand colors and a new image
Updated Red/Yellow/Green Colors in App to align with new brand
Updated Social Media Icons displayed in the application footer to Match New Brand
Updated the PATH Assessment Image on Results Page to one using the new brand colors
Updated the PATH last page experience for users
Implemented a new PATH application flow to prompt users for their email before completing the PATH so we don't have abandoned PATH assessments.
Given that users do not realize they need to create an account to finish their PATH assessment, we have many abandoned records and this will allow us to capture their information before they view their PATH results.
When a user selects the See My Results button, the application will now:
Auto create their account
Randomly generate a password behind the scenes
System will not send user an email with the randomly generated password
When results are displayed, the system will use the public results permalink so the user does not have to sign in
Last, the user is sent a Your Results are Here! email
Email Updates
Implemented new PATH reminder and PATH results email templates in HubSpot.
These templates leverage the new brand colors.
Template subjects were updated to be more relevant to recipients.
Image removed from emails to improve delivery.
Results email language standardized so it is applicable to both Employee and Candidate results.
Updated all Employer, User Profile and PATH Results related emails generated by the GoodJob database to remove old branding.
Removed the primary color background image and updated the footer background color in all emails to the new pine green brand color \(#006666\).
Emails no longer contain images, which should improve delivery.
The GoodJob database triggers SendGrid to send these emails.
New PATH Assessment, Job and Applicant Endpoints
GoodJob released many of the endpoints needed to support the new PATH Assessment, which will be released later this year.
Additionally, we released new Job and Applicant endpoints to be used for the upcoming ATS integrations.
The table below provides a summary of the endpoints created:
Endpoint Name | Description |
Get PATH Assessment Questions | Endpoint to provide PATH Assessment questions to the GoodJob Application |
Post PATH Assessment Answers | Endpoint to save answers to the PATH Assessment questions and retrieve the next set of available answers |
Check/Validate Email Address | Endpoint to validate email addresses provided when taking the PATH Assessment so GoodJob can confirm users are entering valid emails before starting the PATH |
PATH Start | Endpoint to generate the participant code for the user taking the PATH, which is used to start the PATH assessment after the user registers for the PATH. |
Get PATH Assessment Results | Endpoint to provide PATH Assessment results to the GoodJob application once a user has completed their PATH Assessment. |
Evaluate PATH URL | Endpoint to evaluate the PATH url clicked on by a user and determine which information is already known about the employer, job and/or candidate |
Get Applicant Endpoint | Endpoint to get an applicant to be used by the ATS integrations GoodJob is beginning to build |
GET Job Endpoint | Endpoint to get a Job to be used by the ATS integrations GoodJob is beginning to build |