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Getting Started - Employer Onboarding
Getting Started - Employer Onboarding
Nellie Lemonier avatar
Written by Nellie Lemonier
Updated over a year ago

Here is everything you need to know to get started!

With GoodJob, you will hire employees who are a better fit and will stay longer. The secret sauce is your Job Role DNA, a custom-made behavioral model for each of your job roles. You will use GoodJob's AI-Powered engine to predict the success of your future hires while also understanding what makes your current workforce successful.

Step 1 - Decide on your first job role

Your ideal first job role contains 5 or more current employees who perform well in this role. You should add as many employees as you can as you will be calibrating their results to weight their behavioral profiles in favor of higher performers. Ideally, you're actively hiring for the role and have some active candidates interested in the position.

Step 2 - Invite employees to take the PATH Assessment

Before you begin inviting employees to take the PATH Assessment, please add GoodJob to the safe sender list of your company email system to ensure your employees get the emails sent by GoodJob.

Choose from these two options to invite your current employees who perform the job role you decided on in Step 1 above to take the PATH Assessment.



Inviting employees via bulk upload

  • Track who completes within the app

  • Employees receive email

  • Employees receive automated reminders

Inviting employees via your email

Personalized email from you provide more incentive to employees

Step 3 - Gather weighting information for invited employees

While employees are taking the PATH assessment, you can prepare to gather information on how to weight employees within the Job Role DNA. If you have enough knowledge on the performance of employees, you will be able to weight them yourself in the Job Role DNA calibration page. If you need to ask the employees' manager for performance information, you can use the file you created in Step 2 and send to the Manager with a weighting column and the weighting scale.

Step 4 - Create Job Role DNA from completed employee PATHs

See instructions on how to create a Job Role DNA from the completed employee PATHs from the employee PATH library.

Step 5 - Weight employees in Job Role DNA calibration

See instructions on Job Role DNA calibration.

Step 6 - Prepare a list of candidates for the job

Now that you have created and calibrated a Job Role DNA you are ready to invite Candidates to take the PATH Assessment.

If using a Job Board such as Indeed, you can skip this step and continue to Step 7.

Step 7 - Create job posting

See instructions to create a job posting.

Step 8 - Invite candidates to job

If you use an ATS, you will import candidates to a job.

If you are not using an ATS and posting your jobs directly to a job board such as Indeed, you will add a job invite link to the job description on the job board.

Step 9 - Review candidate behavior match scores on job

Candidates invited to the job can complete the PATH assessment. As soon as they complete the assessment, you will be able to review the candidate behavior matches.

What's comes after onboarding?

After you have completed the steps above to onboarded with your first job role, you can start implementing additional job roles.

You will need to continue to use GoodJob to create additional Job Role DNAs by following the process for creating a job role DNA.

If you use an ATS, GoodJob provides an integration from the ATS to GoodJob that allows an automated flow of new jobs and candidates from your source ATS to GoodJob. We offer a number of bi-directional ATS integrations where we send candidate results back to the ATS.

If you use a job board such as Indeed, you can automate inviting candidates to take the PATH by adding the job invite link to the job description on the job board.

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