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How do I setup a Calendly integration?

Goody for business- TEAM/PRO

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over 4 months ago

Looking to add gifting campaigns to help you book more meetings for your sales, prospecting or business development workflows?

As part of our Team and PRO subscription packages, we offer an integration with Calendly. This helpful tool allows you to incorporate the Goody experience into your outreach efforts. Note: the integration is only available to paid members on a Team or PRO subscription plan.

Here's how to setup the integration. You can also check out the video here.

  1. Click on "My Account" in the top right hand corner of your screen

2. Click on the "Integrations" tab

3. Select the Calendly integration

4. Add your Calendly meeting link to the empty field

5. Select your gifting flow of choice and how you'd like to incorporate it within Calendly

Note: You can change this on the SEND page too if needed

No Meeting Calendar = no use of Calendly, in this case you're option to send the gift on it's own

Gift First - show meeting calendar after gift is accepted = allow recipient to select and accept a gift first before being prompted to book a meeting via Calendly

Require Meeting - show gift only after meeting is scheduled = require recipient to book a meeting via Calendly link before a gift can be selected and accepted

If you'd like to remove the Calendly integration - simply delete your booking link and the integration will be removed from the gifting flow

Questions? Reach out to us via live chat or email us at

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