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Canceling a Booking
Huong Pham avatar
Written by Huong Pham
Updated over a year ago

Step 1: Locate the Booking

  • Start by logging into your account here.

  • Navigate to the 'Bookings' tab.

  • Here, you will see a list of all the bookings made.

  • Use the search bar or filters if necessary to find the specific booking you wish to cancel.

Step 2: Open the Booking Details

  • Click on the booking to open the detailed view.

  • Here, you will see all the information related to the booking, including the customer's information, the service booked, and the dates of booking.

Step 3: Cancel the Booking

  • Look for the 'Cancel Booking' button. Click on it.

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear, asking if you're sure you want to cancel the booking.

  • Confirm by clicking 'Continue'.

Step 4: Refund
If the booking is still eligible for a refund, the deposit amount will be automatically refunded to the pet owner.

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