Step 1: Locate the Booking
Start by logging into your account here.
Navigate to the 'Bookings' tab.
Here, you will see a list of all the bookings made.
Use the search bar or filters if necessary to find the specific booking you wish to cancel.
Step 2: Open the Booking Details
Click on the booking to open the detailed view.
Here, you will see all the information related to the booking, including the customer's information, the service booked, and the dates of booking.
Step 3: Cancel the Booking
Look for the 'Cancel Booking' button. Click on it.
A confirmation pop-up will appear, asking if you're sure you want to cancel the booking.
Confirm by clicking 'Continue'.
Step 4: Refund
If the booking is still eligible for a refund, the deposit amount will be automatically refunded to the pet owner.