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2. Getting your first job
2. Getting your first job
Written by May Fanucci
Updated over a week ago

Make sure you have the latest version of the Gophr Courier App installed

There are 2 ways:

  • Claiming an available job on the Job Board

  • Through a Job Offer notification

#1: What is the Job Board?

The Job Board shows you:

  • Proposed job offers (green cards at the top);

  • All the jobs available for you to accept (white cards at the bottom).

Pick a job to see all the details and information, then you can choose to ACCEPT it or go back to the Job Board and pick another one.

  • As the customer's favourite courier, you will see their jobs first - see the star there? It's an indication that you are a customer's favourite.

  • For each available job, you will see the pickup and delivery postcodes, the map, and the deadlines.

#2: Job Offer notifications

We will send you job offers based on your location, vehicle dimensions and restrictions - and the notifications will look like this:

Job offers will show you a quick summary of the delivery. If you want to see more details before accepting it, click on the map icon and you will see the proposed route.

You will be prompted to either ACCEPT or REJECT it. You will have 2 minutes to decide, or you can RESET the timer if you need to.

There are no penalties for rejecting jobs, but responding more, either way, rejecting or accepting them, means more jobs will get sent to you.❗

Pro tips:

  • Be quick - as other couriers may accept a job offer before you.

  • Be reasonable - accept the jobs which you can meet the deadlines.

  • Be responsive - responding more, either way, rejecting or accepting job offer notifications, means more jobs will get sent to you.

⏰ Delivering jobs on time is really important, and here's why:

If you don't deliver jobs on time, it can have a negative impact on your rating. And when your rating goes down, you might receive fewer job offers compared with other couriers.

If you consistently miss deadlines, there's a chance you could be removed from certain jobs or even risk being deactivated from the Gophr platform.

So, it's always best to make every effort to deliver on time and keep your customers happy.

If you have any questions, drop us a message at

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