This discount feature has a range of powerful options to enhance your store offering.
When navigating to the GWP/Discount tab in Roadmap, you can selected Product Discount - start by giving your discount a name - this will be for admin use only.
You are then able to select the conditions for your product discount - for this option we're going to select Buy X Get Y Off.
When you select this option, you will see the contents of the Product Discount card below change providing you more options.
Product Discount Options
The first field you have is the discount note - this note will appear as a tag on the product card item - so best to keep this under 10-12 characters for readability.
You are then able to select whether you'd like to provide a percentage discount, or a fixed amount for this promotion.
Once selected you will a button titled Add Discount Tier - this allows you to create volume discounts. You can learn more about these in Product Discount Tiers article here.
Stacking discounts
From here, you can choose how you want your discount to behave in terms of stacking - this is because might have other active discount on your store, so being able to select how these behaviour is useful to ensure your customers are not double dipping on discounts.