This discount feature has a range of powerful options to enhance your store offering.
When navigating to the GWP/Discount tab in Roadmap, you can selected Order Discount - start by giving your discount a name - this will be for admin use only.
Percentage or Fixed Discount
The first field you have is the discount note - this note will appear as a tag on the product card item - so best to keep this under 10-12 characters for readability.
You are then able to select whether you'd like to provide a percentage discount, or a fixed amount for this promotion.
Customer Segments and Eligibility
All Customers - any website visitor whether they are logged in or out.
Logged in only customers - the customers have to have an account and be logged into it in order to access the discount.
Customer tagged with - define any tags that the customers needs to have against their profile - they will need to be logged in to access.
Customer NOT tagged with - this is where you can set the discount to only be available to logged in customers - but they cannot have a certain tag(s) - this is good to exclude promotions such as Trade customers.
Customers in specific countries - customers do not need to be logged in - but this will be visible in the select countries, and available in all others.
Customers not in specific countries - customers do not need to be logged in - but this will be hidden in the select countries, and available in all others.
Customers with order history - set the minimum order history in order to get access - $ spent, or number of orders - the customer will need to be logged in to access this.
Members - only allow customers who are part of the stores active loyalty plan to get access.
Non-members - only allow customers who aren't part of the stores active loyalty plan to get access.
Scheduling Dates
Any campaigns or pricing can be scheduled in advance with an end date. Once the end date is active, then the discount will stop functionality, and the add to cart behaviour will be the same as with any normal products.