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Creating Custom Snippets

Save your frequently-used links for even faster message crafting.

Sam Abello avatar
Written by Sam Abello
Updated over 4 months ago

If you're regularly sending candidates certain information (for example: a location, or links to your Calendly, or registration links, etc.), you can create Custom Snippets in order to save the information. Custom Snippets allow to you store all of your frequently-used information and links in one place, making it so much easier to craft your messaging to candidates without having to leave your Grayscale window – saving you time and effort! Admins can even create Organization Snippets, which are Custom Snippets shared out to every Grayscale-using member of your organization!

Getting started with Custom Snippets

Creating a new Custom Snippet

  1. Navigate to Settings in Grayscale

  2. Click on Custom Snippets

  3. Click + New, give your snippet a name, enter in the information or link, and click Save

If you are an admin, and want to create an Organization Snippet (a Custom Snippet that is available to all Grayscale-using members of the organization), simply check the SHARE WITH ORGANIZATION checkbox before clicking Save.

That's it! From there, head back to your inbox and start messaging candidates. 

Sending Custom Snippets

Click on the Snippets icon and you'll see your available snippets under My Custom Snippets.

  • If your admin has created any shared snippets, you'll find those under Organization Snippets.


Can I save links as Custom Snippets?

Yes! You can save any link that you typically would send your candidates! These can include:

  • Link-based calendars (like Calendly)

  • Hiring fair registration links

  • Links to other job postings your candidate might be interested in

  • Etc.

Are there any links I can't save?

Technically, no. You should be able to save any link but some links are better than others – carriers tend to filter messages that have any shortened links in them such as links. For more information on how to avoid carrier filtering, check out How to prevent your Grayscale messages from being filtered or blocked when sending links.

Questions? Don't hesitate to chat with us below!

Happy recruiting! 🚀

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