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GreaseBook 201: How to create your own Custom Reports
GreaseBook 201: How to create your own Custom Reports

(Article 1 of 4) Now, build almost any report you can imagine. This short article shows you how to do it – all in less than 3 minutes

Alex Castaneda P. Eng avatar
Written by Alex Castaneda P. Eng
Updated over a week ago

At Greasebook we have several standard reports that are generally enough for most reporting needs...

That said, wouldn't it be nice to be able to create any custom report and poll your data anyway you want it (🎵. "anyway you want it, that's the way you need it, anyway you want it !!" 🎵 click here to sing along while you read ) – all without having to hire a developer (or having to be one yourself?!) 🤓😅

Well, now you can!

Introducing GreaseBook's Custom Report Editor.

Basically, the Custom Report Editor enables you to create almost any type of report you can imagine – all based off the different variables you're already tracking in the Greasebook.

So, how does it work?

First under Reports, note the section entitled Custom Reports at the top of the screen (this will appear empty until you've created your first Custom Report...)

To create a new Custom Report, simply click on the link to the right that says '+ Create Report':

Next, you'll be presented with the following options:

Title: This is simply the name of the new Custom Report you'll be creating. It's also how you'll reference this report when selecting it to run it after you create it (so make it a good one!)

Show measurement units: this is self-explanatory, and will add units to applicable data in the report (such as bbls or psi...)

Show only days with data: Some data types you're tracking are sporadic and aren't updated each day by the pumper (for example, a Fluid Level or a Well Test...) And, by enabling this option your Custom Report will only display rows which contain measurements or data.

Show Grouping: this option allows you to group your data in your Custom Report by Battery, Pumper, or Well (just to name a few!) Also, by selecting one of the groupings, your Custom Report will also display sub totals for these Groups.

Show only totals: when this is checked, the reports generated will show data accumulated for the period selected (week, month, quarter or custom) - hello monthly allocations!

Now that we have your settings how you want them, let's move on to the meat of the Custom Report 🥩

Pro Tip: If you have Custom Variables setup in your Greasebook, you can find those variables in their respective category to show your report! 💪

Essentially, this is where you'll see every variable you're currently tracking in the Greasebook...

To add any variable to your Custom Report, simply click the checkbox beside it like so:

In the example above, we've included the following variables in our Custom Report:

  • Battery Name

  • Oil Production

  • Gas Production

  • Water Production

That said, take note in the section entitled Fields you can also rearrange the order of each variable by clicking the reorder buttons on the left and dragging to your desired position to change the order of the subsequent column in your Custom Report.

Also, the Sort By option does just as the name implies and enables you to have your Custom Report sorted on that particular variable.

Aggregate: When selecting fields to show in your report, you will be presented with an aggregate type dropdown box. This dropdown box allows you to pick how you want to show your values in the report, i.e. sum (total), averages, minimum, maximum.

⭐️ Pro Tip: if you're not sure how any option will affect your Custom Report or you simply want to know how your Custom Report will look as you mix and match different options, select the 'Preview' button at the top of the right of the screen to be presented with a real-time display of the Custom Report you've created 😲📊🤯

Once you are satisfied with how your Custom Report looks, simply click 'Create' to lock it in 📄🔒 (Don't forget to name your report!)

All your newly created Custom Reports will appear under the Custom Reports header!

Finally, as icing on the cake please note you can go in and update your Custom Report anytime by simply selecting the blue Edit button beside the report 🍰🤤

This way, you can create your Custom Report any time On Demand, or even set up it to fire off as a Scheduled Report. 🔥📨

Now that you have your report setup as you want, you can run it anytime by simply:

  1. Click the name of the report you want to run

  2. Set Start Date and End Date, or time range

  3. Select which Batteries Groups, Routes or specific Batteries you'd like to include (you can also select 'All Batteries')

  4. Click 'Download'

  5. Please wait while your report is downloaded to your browser!

Greasebook now offers a new feature to show graphs on your reports! Just select the Show Graph option before you click download and select the features of your chart!

That's it! Your report will download to your computer and you're back to business. Love your report so much you want to send it to everyone - on demand? Click the button here to learn how to setup Scheduled Reports.

Next up: When your Purchaser buys oil from you, many times your pumper isn't available to oversee the transfer of the crude. And, while we trust our Purchasers, it's still good practice to verify them, too. 😉

Fortunately, given a few key ingredients (like Observed API, Observed Temperature, BS&W and the like), the Greasebook can auto calculate Corrected Barrels for you and your operations! Click the button below to find out more!!

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